Instant On and Instant Off are two excellent features that probably don’t receive enough credit. With Instant On, the projector turns on within 3 seconds and automatically selects an HDMI or VGA input. Other projectors might take 10 seconds or longer to turn on, and they don’t always automatically select the input.
Now, 7 seconds may not seem like a big deal, but 7 seconds, 5 days a week, 180 days out of the year amounts to just under two hours saved within a typical school year. And that’s if you’re only turning the projector on once per day. Think of all the papers you can grade with your extra time.
As for Instant Off, this is another time saver. Auto power-down, and no cool down time. It’s the no cool down time that gets me. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve accidently shut off my projector before shutting down my PlayStation, then had to wait several minutes for the projector to cool down before I could turn it on again and power down the PlayStation.
If you turn a projector back on before it’s done cooling down, it can damage the projector. Not this Vivitek, though! With no cool down time, you can power it on and off as much as you please with no worry for how it will affect the light engine.