This isn’t an issue I usually have to talk about, so I’m disappointed that I’m having to discuss it here. The projector doesn’t handle film grain well at all. The Hunger Games begins with A TON of film grain, and it was when I started taking photos of this movie that I first spotted the issue. The grain, instead of having that classic film look, has the look of high ISO on a DSLR, when taking photos in the dark.
The Fifth Element, we have in 4K, and it is a pretty grainy film on its own. It was nowhere near as bad as in The Hunger Games, which is a 1080p Blu-ray. There are some settings that might help with this, in the Image Settings. Sharpness is set to 50 by default. It is quite possible that by lowering it, you will see some improvement in the image noise.
Note that not all movies contain film grain. Older movies, or modern ones where the director made a creative decision to use film over digital, will have film grain in varying degrees. I always thought The Hunger Games had far too much in the beginning of the film, but this was a stylistic choice that really conveys the grunge of District 12.
Ready Player One had no grain in the scenes that were CG, in The Oasis, obviously, but there were scenes in The Real World that contained film grain. It wasn’t near as much as either The Hunger Games or The Fifth Element. HDTV and sports content did not have this problem, and I’m guessing neither will animated films if the animation in Ready Player One is anything to go on.