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Viewsonic Pro9000 Projector - Performance

Posted on July 24, 2013 by Art Feierman

Viewsonic Pro9000 Pre-Calibration Color temp, User 1 Mode

Color Temp over IRE Range (Cinema mode)
30 IRE 7479
50 IRE 7723
80 IRE 7771
100 IRE 6956

We are working with a pre-production projector here.  We understand that full production projectors are due to arrive in the US about the time this goes online.  Viewsonic has let us know that there will be several changes to the firmware. From that we would expect better color performance than with this unit.

First of all, Theater is "cool" out of the box.  More to the point, are Mike's comments about calibrating this projector, found a couple of paragraphs down, in italic.

Keep in mind that this is - I say again - an engineering sample, or early Pre-production.  We expect some things are not finished, which is why we'll do a follow up in a few weeks when a full production projector arrives.

Color Temp over IRE Range (Post calibration):
20 IRE = 6705
30 IRE = 6519
40 IRE = 6693
50 IRE = 6844
60 IRE = 6719
70 IRE = 6835
80 IRE = 6842
90 IRE = 6829
100 IRE = 6849
 Average gamma = 2.11

Mike calibrated and came up with the results below which he placed in User  1mode.

While the final numbers are rather good, the underlying balance between RGB is off per Mike.  This explains why the color, while acceptable to most, is going to disappoint those really wanting great color.

While the final numbers are rather good, the underlying balance between RGB is off per Mike.  This explains why the color, while acceptable to most, is going to disappoint those really wanting great color.

In fairness we do not do an individual color calibration (CMS), which may well have helped improve the picture a good bit.

All were taken with the same exposure, which works nicely since the brightest mode isn't even close to double the least bright.

Dark Room Mode
Game Mode
Presentation Mode
Sports Mode
Standard Mode
Theater Mode
User 2 Mode
Bright Mode

Bright mode, unaltered, is exceptionally green.  You won't want to use this mode unless you need every lumen.  Our pre-production projector has two User modes, but only one worked correctly (an issue Viewsonic has already said, has been fixed).

Since when you start altering some key settings in a color mode, it requires you to put it it one of the two user areas.  We did our best mode into User 1, had to forego putting changes to Bright mode.  We expect production projectors to be a bit different in terms of the colors, which may result in a more usable Bright mode.

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