Let's take a look at what the best selling projector models were in September in the US, in three different categories:
Retail Projector Sales - polled from retailers and web sellers
Pro A/V Projector Sales - polled from the Pro A/V channel
Distribution Projector Sales - best sellers reported by the major US distributors (both A/V and IT).
The top five lists found here were provided by Pacific Media Associates. PMA has been tracking projector sales and trends going back to the '90s. When I owned an early online projector reseller, I too used to report a breakout of our projector sales by model to them as many others did. They continue to provide our industry with valuable information.
Please be aware that while some projector models show up on these lists almost every month, a one month snapshot doesn't always give you a really good feel, as many top five models change from month to month.
Also PMA breaks out projectors differently rather than the same categories every month. For this reason, we decided that in this first report we'd look at two months of their lists. You'll also find August 2014 numbers, but the categories are different:
Mainstream Projectors
High End Projectors
Pico and Personal Projectors
The comments in the table are added by us, just a tidbit of basic info, perhaps resolution, brightness, or some special capability to help paint a more detailed picture.