Greetings all: I'm normally buried in emails requesting advice. It's getting out of hand, in that there just isn't close to enough time to answer all, or even most of your questions. I therefore thought it would be helpful to you to explain where I am at answering questions, and how to improve your chances of getting an answer. I composed this email from the show, and decided that making a blog out of it would be helpful to my readers...
So, here goes:
I have just returned from CEDIA trade show, am slammed with blogs to write, two projectors for review, and playing catch-up on emails.
Unfortunately, while at CEDIA, I received more than 100 emails requesting advice, about twice the normal weekly levels (naturally). At best, I do 4-5 responses a day, generally the ones that are either interesting, or where sufficient information, makes a response something I can do quickly (200 words or less). I was also about 30 - 40 emails behind, from the previous 10 days.
The bottom line is that I will only get to about 1 in 6 of all emails received last week and this week combined, instead of the usual half.
I am also more likely to answer emails through my blog, as those which I consider particularly good questions, get to be shared by others. However, that is no guarantee. When I do answer on a blog, I simply edit your comment, at the bottom, with my answers, with a bunch of ************ to separate the question from my answer.
Therefore, any of you who would really like to get an answer, may I suggest re-posting your question into a blog.
BTW, anyone who asks about distances for placement - such as "where do I have to place the xyz projector for a 110" screen - are automatically tossed in the trash. Each review provides the distance ranges for a 100" screen. A 110" screen increases those closest and furthest points by 10%, a 92 inch screen reduces by 8% and so on. I do not have the time to look up lens throw information when answering. Same for lens shift offsets, and any number of other things.
Lastly, please, for example, don't ask things like - "will the sanyo projector be bright enough if I buy a 120" screen". Brightness is, of course somewhat subjective, and very dependent on your lighting. And, of course you can go with very high gain screens to make up for a dim projector, but they have their drawbacks. As a result, if I recommend no more than a 110" screen, that is my recommendation. I won't change my recommendation, just because you ask me again. If you want to get a 1.8 gain screen, sure, you can obviously go larger than my recommendation, if you can live with the downside of high gain screens.
In other words, don't ask me about what's already in the reviews.
Then there's one other request I have. As I do not charge for those I answer, I do request that anyone who does get a detailed answer from me, to please provide me feedback on your final system, what projector, screen, lighting conditions, etc. But please do not do that until you have had the system fully functional for 3-4 weeks.
Everyone pretty much is blown away, when they get their first projector based home theater. My question is what you think of it, after the initial shock wheres off.
I'm doing the best I can, with limited time. Thanks -art