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A Rose Colored Happy Thanksgiving from Projector Reviews

Greetings Projector Fans and Happy Thanksgiving.

I trust all of us can find something to be thankful for this holiday season.  And, before I forget, a belated Happy Thanksgiving (Oct. 8) to our friends up north in Canada.

Today’s blog is something more personal from me.

Many of you have been following our site and blogs for years, for this we thank you. But today’s blog is a bit different, it’s not about projectors, nor the “big screen” experience.

Most of you remember our daughter Lisa’s help with Projector Reviews.  I “drafted” her way back in middle school – about a dozen years ago – to help out, shortly after Projector Reviews became my full time gig.  Over the years, Lisa, as employee, (then contractor once she got a real job) has done just about everything at Projector Reviews, from assembling and posting reviews, to webwork, to resizing images, to writing reviews – boy can she write!  And Lisa, (with a little outside help) also built and grew our whole social media presence (which Nikki now has taken over).

Today, I would like to introduce you all to Lisa’s newsletter, Rose-Colored Roundup, which she’s been writing every Thursday for well more than a year.  But first…I really want to thank Lisa.

Lisa has grown up. A few years ago after finishing college, she “ran away” to the Big Apple where she has a great job she loves in media. Lori and I are truly thankful for her successes in her early career, of course. Yet, what makes me most proud, and thankful, today, is the amazing, caring and truly inspiring human being Lisa has become.  Nothing give me more joy (and strength) in life and I know Lori feels exactly the same way.  (I love you monsta!)

Now after a brief pause for my eyes to stop tearing, allow me tell you about Lisa’s Rose-Colored Roundup (which will give you a small taste of the person Lisa has become), and why you might just want to check it out.  I suspect many of you will really enjoy it, and sign up, and share with friends, family and even some appreciative acquaintances.

Rose Colored

Rose-Colored Roundup. Uplifting News, No projector needed. -art


Lisa keeps Rose-Colored (as I like to call it) on the low-low. She’s never promoted it, her couple thousand followers have found it by word of mouth. Rose-Colored doesn’t generate revenues, it’s a work of love and dedication, from our daughter, who wants to, and IS, making a difference. Although, FYI, while Lisa will not monetize Rose-Colored, the newsletter sometimes points to charities where folks can donate, if they are inspired by a piece of good news found in the newsletter.

Rose-Colored, each week, starts off with some personal notes from Lisa, and a few quick links to some good news. Then she gets down and provides an intro and links to a dozen or two stories found around the world. And there’s a bit more, too.

Folks, it’s not fluff.  Rose-Colored will introduce you to some great acts of thoughtfulness or charity, or just good news that happens, and other news that really can inspire us, put a smile on our faces, or even just help the corners of our mouths turn up a little.

Most stories Lisa shares in Rose-Colored are newsworthy, serious pieces of news, that we all miss because they are buried in tons of not so good, and bad news. Good news is hard to find, not because there isn’t a lot of it, but because “bad news sells newspapers,” as the saying goes.

Lori and I have much to be thankful for this holiday season.  Thanks to you all, for helping make Projector Reviews successful (and keeping me employed). We’re thankful for family, for good friends, but more than anything, for Lisa, who rocks our world Every Single Day!

thanks! -art

PS (call it the commercial).  We did just publish our two annual Holiday Guides.  Similar to last year, the “good news” is that some of the projector manufacturers included have put together Black Friday / Cyber week promotions on Amazon or on their own sites, that you can check out, if you are considering one of those featured projectors.

PPS. Being a bit of a cynic, here’s one last holiday thought.  Some good news we can all appreciate.  We are finally getting a break from what seems like years of non-stop political ads.  Now that’s worth being thankful for, all by itself.

enjoy the day, enjoy life

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