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Gaming Event Uses Epson Projectors

The North American Star League (NASL) recently hosted several gaming events using the power of Epson projectors, and we thought this might be a story our readers would be interested in.
NASL creates highly visible, organized and invigorating professional video game tournaments in North America. They have leveraged Epson projectors for their recent competitions, including:
  • BarCraft: World champion gamers from Europe, China, and Korea played at local bars and pubs around North America and the events were live broadcast into bars using the PowerLite 1925W projectors
  • Global Tournaments: At the Grand Finals Tournament in Toronto they used the Epson PowerLite Pro Z8455WU to show the tournament in an arena on a 16’x9’ main screen and the Epson PowerLite Pro G6900WU for multiple side screens and viewing rooms
NASL provides a unique viewing experience for video game fans, taking video games from home entertainment to a spectator sport that draws a global fan base and viewership.

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