Shadow Detail Performance
The VPL-VW70 does really well in terms of shadow detail. Not the best of the better projectors, but close.
I give it the slightest edge over the JVC RS20 in revealing dark shadow detail, but, again, likely due to the iris, there are some scenes where the RS20 can slightly outdo the Sony. Overall, though, the Sony has the edge.
More importantly, I'm really quibbling here, the Sony rarely loses anything of significance, you really have to go looking for any loss, you won't find it casually watching.
When projectors in this range of black level performance deal with the closest information to near black, then those shadow details are going to be extremely dark, and difficult to spot. Projectors with brighter black levels will also be brighter on those same dark details. I'll take the blacker blacks every time, in exchange for the slightest loss of detail that I'm not likely to notice while watching.
Top left: VPL-VW70, Middle: Panasonic PT-AE3000 Right: JVC DLA-RS10