Below we provide the RGB settings to balance the grayscale to the correct D65 (6500K) with red, green, and blue in the proper balance.
It should be noted that we do one additional level of calibration, which is to calibrate the individual colors themselves. This is often referred to as a CMS calibration (color management system).
As is typical, that means adjusting the Hue, Saturation, and Brightness of each of the primary and secondary colors.
That information, or rather those settings can be found on the Advanced Calibration page, one of the pages of this review. Please note, though that that page is only accessible to our paid subscribers. That's the case for all the projectors we've calibrated in the last year. Prior to then, we did not perform calibration of the individual colors. As we contract out to Mike as our calibrator, we pay a good deal more per projector for adding that aspect of the calibration.
The annual subscriber fee is our attempt to cover the cost of this extra info, as well as some of the additional videos and other features. We think most of you enthusiasts will find the annual fee well worth it.