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Sony VPL-VW50 Pearl Home Theater Projector Review: Image Quality-5

Posted on February 27, 2007 by Art Feierman

Keep in mind, all these projectors have various image sharpening capabilities. When I review projectors I try to keep things pretty simple, I adjust for a good sharp image, without obvious visible artifacts. With some projectors, (ie Epson models) they offer users, multiple sophisticated controls over sharpness, edge sharpness, etc.) In some cases it could take a great many hours just to figure out the ultimate combination to get best sharpness, and even then, when one adds lots of fancy algorithms, sometimes they work great for one situation, and look like hell in another.

Our last suite of images is the closeup of the monitor, from Space cowboys, starting, of course, with the Sony VW50 Pearl, followed by the BenQ W10000 and the Optoma HD81.

Sony VW-50 spacecowboys monitorLarge
BenQ W10000 SpaceCowboys monitorLarge
HD81 SpaceCowboys MonitorLarge

OK that's more than enough examples. With the JVC RS-1, and Epson Cinema 1080p reviews posting early March, you will also be able to see addtional comparisons in those reviews, that include the Sony.

ENOUGH! This is probably the longest sharpness section of all time. And, it's time for a little perspective. While the Sony is slightly softer than the other projectors (with the possible exception of the Panasonic PT-AE1000U), it is still a very sharp image. Only because I am used to looking for subtle details in sharpness, when testing, and the fact that I have had other 1080p projectors around, is this coming off as such a big deal. Overall, watching the projector I was very pleased with image sharpness. It definitely is an improvement over my BenQ PE8720 - considered one of the sharpest 720p projectors around, and probably the sharpest of the 720p DLP's under $10,000.

So, you will have to weigh the issue against all the others, to see if the sharpness factor is going to affect your final choice. Personally, I could easily live with the Sony VW50 Pearl's sharpness. Although I'd love to have the sharpest projector on the market as my next projector in my home theater, ther factors have more weight for my own decision.

Sony VW50 Pearl: Black Levels and Shadow detail

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