Projector Reviews Images

Sony VPL-VW50 Pearl Home Theater Projector Review: Image Quality-3

Posted on February 27, 2007 by Art Feierman

Perhaps even better are these frames from Aeon Flux, first the Sony Pearl, followed by the Optoma HD81. Look for the sharpness of her eye (the "sparkle"), and details in her hair above her forehead, and the loose hairs around the sides of her head. While the frames are not exactly the same ones, the differences in sharpness are projector related, not related to the frames.

Sony VW-50 Aeon RedheadLarge
HD81 Aeon Redhead2Large

The next four - the first image is the Sony Pearl again, while the second image is from the Panasonic PT-AE1000U, which we reviewed and also consider a bit soft, compared to the sharpest 1080p projectors. The third "eye" is from the Optoma HD81, and the fourth one, from the BenQ W10000. (Sorry, didn't have the Aeon Flux DVD when I reviewed the HC5000 - the first 1080p I got to review.) Enlarge the images by clicking on them (you can open all four at the same time if you wish) and you can look for the sharpness in the lashes at the top right, and the fine ones on the bottom. For detail you can also look at the speckles in her eyes. Very telling. (note, the smaller images below are already heavily compressed, so, although you can see some differences there, please enlarge for a more accurate result.

Sony VW-50 Aeon Eyelarge
Panasonic PT-AE1000U AeonFlux eyeLg
HD81 Aeon EyeLarge
BenQ W10000 Aeon EyeLarge

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