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Sanyo PLV-Z60: Shadow Detail Performance

Posted on October 18, 2013 by Art Feierman


Note, I am switching to the new version of the DTS demo disc, which has a different main screen. As a result the image for the Z60 is completely different than that for the other projectors, yet should still provide a good comparison. I'll be using the new image in future reviews.

Sanyo Z60
Mitsubishi HC1600
Panasonic PT-AX200U
Epson Home Cinema 720
Optoma HD71
Epson Moviemate 72
Sanyo PLV-Z60
Mitsubishi HC1600
Optoma HD65
Panasonic PT-AX200U

Bottom line: The Sanyo PLV-Z60 is a very sharp 720p projector. It has a definite advantage on the other 3LCD projectors from Epson and Panasonic, and holds its own with the DLP projectors.

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