The Sanyo does have a Color Management feature, in the Advanced Menu, that should allow a calibrator that goes further than we do with our basic calibration, to deal with the yellow/green push.
The limited RGB settings (only one for each color) on the Z3000 primarily affect the middle ranges, and have less effect at the extremes (20 and 100 IRE). Why the Z3000, like the PLV-Z7000, lacks the usual separate R,G,B controls for gain and offset, is perplexing (the low cost 720p PLV-Z60 has them).
We did not use Dynamic Gamma in our calibration. It does have noticeable impact on grayscale balance as well as gamma. Integrating Dynamic Gamma in, makes for a far more time consuming calibration.
Since the measured gamma without using Dynamic Gamma was 2.17, and 2.2 is ideal, this is about as close to dead on, as you will get.