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Compare Projectors - PT-AE3000 vs. PLV-Z3000 - 3

Posted on November 13, 2013 by Art Feierman
  1. The 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - 2009
  2. 1080p Projector Categories by price
  3. Home Theater Projectors: Street price $3500-$10,000
  4. Picking the Winners - the best projectors in each price range
  5. $2100 and under 1080p Home Theater Projectors
  6. $2100 - $3500 1080p Home Theater Projectors
  7. $2100 - $3500 1080p Home Theater Projectors-2
  8. $3500 - $10,000 Home Theater Projectors
  9. The 1080p Home Theater Projector -Special Features
  10. The 1080p Home Theater Projector -Creative Frame Interpolation
  11. The 1080p Home Theater Projector -Special Features3
  12. Guide to the 2009 1080p Projector Comparison Report
  13. Home Page of the 1080p Projector Comparison Report
  14. Defining Your Expectations Regarding Projectors and Your Final Theater Experience
  15. Understanding your room environment-2
  16. Photos Found In This Projector Report
  17. 1080p Projector Report - Best in Class Awards for 2009
  18. Best in Class, Runner-up Award: Sanyo PLV-Z700 Projector
  19. Best in Class Special, Interest Award: InFocus X10
  20. Class: Medium Priced 1080p Home Theater Projectors: $2100 - $3500
  21. Best in Class Award (tie): Panasonic PT-AE3000
  22. 1080p Home Theater Projector-Special Interest Awards
  23. Category: Higher End Priced 1080p Home Theater Projectors: $3500 - $10,000
  24. Special Interest Award (tie): Planar PD8150
  25. Special Interest Award (tie): Planar PD8150-2
  26. 1080p Projectors - Physical Tour
  27. 1080p Projectors - Physical Tour2
  28. 1080p Projectors Lens Throw and Lens Shift
  29. 1080p Projectors - Physical Tour3
  30. 1080p Projectors - Physical Tour4
  31. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality
  32. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality2
  33. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality3
  34. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality4
  35. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality5
  36. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality6
  37. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality7
  38. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality8
  39. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality9
  40. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality10
  41. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality11
  42. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality12
  43. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality13
  44. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality14
  45. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality15
  46. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality16
  47. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality17
  48. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality18
  49. 1080p Projector Comparison Report - Performance
  50. 1080p Projector Comparison Report - Performance2
  51. 1080p Projector Comparison Report - Performance3
  52. 1080p Projector Comparison Report - Performance4
  53. 1080p Projector Comparison Report - Performance5
  54. 1080p Projector Comparison Report - Performance6
  55. 1080p Projector Comparison Report - Performance7
  56. 1080p Projector Comparison Report - Performance9
  57. 1080P Home Theater Projector Report - Calibration
  58. Compare Projectors - Epson 6100 vs PLV-Z700
  59. Compare Projectors - Epson 6100 vs PLV-Z700 - 2
  60. Compare Projectors - Epson 6100 vs PLV-Z700 - 3
  61. Compare Projectors - Epson 6100 vs PLV-Z700 - 4
  62. Compare Projectors - Epson 6100 vs PLV-Z700 - 5
  63. Compare Projectors - Epson 6100 vs PLV-Z700 - 6
  64. Compare Projectors - Epson 6100 vs PLV-Z700 - 7
  65. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs. 6100
  66. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs. 6100 - 2
  67. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs. 6100 - 3
  68. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs. 6100 - 4
  69. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs. PT-AE3000
  70. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs. PT-AE3000 - 2
  71. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs. PT-AE3000 - 3
  72. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs. PT-AE3000 - 4
  73. Compare Projectors - PT-AE3000 vs. PLV-Z3000
  74. Compare Projectors - PT-AE3000 vs. PLV-Z3000 - 2
  75. Compare Projectors - PT-AE3000 vs. PLV-Z3000 - 3
  76. Compare Projectors - PT-AE3000 vs. PLV-Z3000 - 4
  77. Compare Projectors - PT-AE3000 vs. PLV-Z3000 - 5
  78. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS10 vs. RS20
  79. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS10 vs. RS20 - 2
  80. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS10 vs. RS20 - 3
  81. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS10 vs. RS20 - 4
  82. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS10 vs. RS20 - 5
  83. Compare Projectors - IN83 vs. JVC DLA-RS10
  84. Compare Projectors - IN83 vs. JVC DLA-RS10 - 2
  85. Compare Projectors - IN83 vs. JVC DLA-RS10 - 3
  86. Compare Projectors - IN83 vs. JVC DLA-RS10 - 4
  87. Compare Projectors - - IN83 vs. JVC DLA-RS10 - 5
  88. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs. JVC RS20
  89. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs. JVC RS20 - 2
  90. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs. JVC RS20 - 3
  91. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs. JVC RS20 - 4
  92. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs. JVC RS20 - 5
  93. Compare Projectors - VPL-HW10 vs PT-AE3000
  94. Compare Projectors - VPL-HW10 vs PT-AE3000 - 2
  95. Compare Projectors - VPL-HW10 vs PT-AE3000 - 3
  96. Compare Projectors - VPL-HW10 vs PT-AE3000 - 4
  97. Compare Projectors - HC5500 vs. PLV-Z700
  98. Compare Projectors - HC5500 vs. PLV-Z700 - 2
  99. Compare Projectors - HC5500 vs. PLV-Z700 - 3
  100. Compare Projectors - HC5500 vs. PLV-Z700 - 4
  101. Compare Projectors - HC5500 vs. PLV-Z700 - 5
  102. Compare Projectors - HC5500 vs. PLV-Z700 - 6
  103. Compare Projectors - BenQ W5000 vs 6500UB
  104. Compare Projectors - BenQ W5000 vs 6500UB - 2
  105. Compare Projectors - BenQ W5000 vs 6500UB - 3
  106. Compare Projectors - BenQ W5000 vs 6500UB - 4
  107. Compare Projectors - BenQ W5000 vs 6500UB - 5
  108. Compare Projectors - BenQ W5000 vs 6500UB - 6
  109. Compare Projectors - BenQ W5000 vs 6500UB - 7
  110. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs PLV-Z3000
  111. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs PLV-Z3000 - 2
  112. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs PLV-Z3000 - 3
  113. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs PLV-Z3000 - 4
  114. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs PLV-Z3000 - 5
  115. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs PLV-Z3000 - 6
  116. Home Theater Projectors - Warranty and Support - 2
  117. 1080P Home Theater Projector Comparison Report: Summary

Color accuracy

Out of the box color accuracy differs between these two projectors: Without a doubt, the Panasonic PT-AE3000 has better out of the box color, but we're not concerned with that here. Both projectors improve with calibration. The Panasonic a good bit, and the Sanyo, quite a lot. Both projectors offer plenty of adjustment capability, but the Panasonic has some nice touches to help you adjust it, including image analsys tools and a split screen - before/after feature. Once we calibrated both, the Panasonic still had an advantage. The PLV-Z3000 still exhibited a small amount of shift to yellow green that Mike didn't manage to eliminate. That's not to say a fresh calibration wouldn't solve the problem. We've had to do that before. Please note, when looking at the photos, that that yellow green shift, in reality is a small fraction of what you see. As I've reported multiple times, my camera already adds a little green, and that gets accentuated here.

By comparison, the Panasonic is a touch strong on the reds, especially in the darker levels.

All considered though, the Panasonic PT-AE3000 does have the more accurate color, post calibration. In fact, from a grayscale standpoint, it is one of the best we've seen, with everything from 30IRE to 100IRE (white), within 57K of the ideal 6500K. (Remember, we calibrate gray scale, but not individual colors, so a pro calibrator would use the color management system to compensate for that yellow green issue found on the PLV-Z3000). Think of it this way: The adjustments we make, are with a broad sword, not a scalpel.

Overall Look and Feel of the Picture

This comes down to a lot of options. Comparing Pure Cinema on the Sanyo PLV-Z3000 to Cinema 1 on the Panasonic, the less bright Sanyo looks a little flat, uninspiring. We recommend using one of the brighter modes, though, a customized Creative Cinema, or if you really need lumens for movie watching, their Brilliant Cinema. This changes the ballgame. First, it allows the Sanyo to match the brightness of the PT-AE3000, and with Brilliant Cinema, beat the Panasonic.

The Sanyo offers extensive controls on its iris setup (and lamp dimming), so a lot of possibilities exist. Get the PLV-Z3000 out of its Pure Cinema mode, though, and the bottom line is that the image starts to look nice and dynamic. In fact, all considered, with the settings I used for most of my viewing, I really liked the picture - it had pizazz. By comparison to that, the Pansonic now, was a touch muted, but, in fairness, the PT-AE3000 is very right on - what I describe as film-like for a really good 3LCD projector.

Bottom Line - Image Quality

I have to give the advantage to the Panasonic. The slight yellow green shift definitely weighs in heavy in that call. I feel bad for not having Mike take another go at the calibration, for if the PLV-Z3000 was as neutral in color accuracy as the Panasonic, I would definitely have liked it more, and who knows - maybe picked up a Runner-up award.

Still, that wasn't the only difference if you recall. The PLV-Z3000 can't match the Panasonic's black levels (although it makes up for some of that with slightly better shadow detail). Remember what I indicated earlier. While there is a distinct black level difference, it's small compared to any of the same or lower priced projectors, so don't get too hung up on the difference.

  1. The 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - 2009
  2. 1080p Projector Categories by price
  3. Home Theater Projectors: Street price $3500-$10,000
  4. Picking the Winners - the best projectors in each price range
  5. $2100 and under 1080p Home Theater Projectors
  6. $2100 - $3500 1080p Home Theater Projectors
  7. $2100 - $3500 1080p Home Theater Projectors-2
  8. $3500 - $10,000 Home Theater Projectors
  9. The 1080p Home Theater Projector -Special Features
  10. The 1080p Home Theater Projector -Creative Frame Interpolation
  11. The 1080p Home Theater Projector -Special Features3
  12. Guide to the 2009 1080p Projector Comparison Report
  13. Home Page of the 1080p Projector Comparison Report
  14. Defining Your Expectations Regarding Projectors and Your Final Theater Experience
  15. Understanding your room environment-2
  16. Photos Found In This Projector Report
  17. 1080p Projector Report - Best in Class Awards for 2009
  18. Best in Class, Runner-up Award: Sanyo PLV-Z700 Projector
  19. Best in Class Special, Interest Award: InFocus X10
  20. Class: Medium Priced 1080p Home Theater Projectors: $2100 - $3500
  21. Best in Class Award (tie): Panasonic PT-AE3000
  22. 1080p Home Theater Projector-Special Interest Awards
  23. Category: Higher End Priced 1080p Home Theater Projectors: $3500 - $10,000
  24. Special Interest Award (tie): Planar PD8150
  25. Special Interest Award (tie): Planar PD8150-2
  26. 1080p Projectors - Physical Tour
  27. 1080p Projectors - Physical Tour2
  28. 1080p Projectors Lens Throw and Lens Shift
  29. 1080p Projectors - Physical Tour3
  30. 1080p Projectors - Physical Tour4
  31. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality
  32. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality2
  33. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality3
  34. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality4
  35. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality5
  36. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality6
  37. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality7
  38. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality8
  39. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality9
  40. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality10
  41. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality11
  42. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality12
  43. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality13
  44. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality14
  45. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality15
  46. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality16
  47. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality17
  48. 1080p Comparison Report - Image Quality18
  49. 1080p Projector Comparison Report - Performance
  50. 1080p Projector Comparison Report - Performance2
  51. 1080p Projector Comparison Report - Performance3
  52. 1080p Projector Comparison Report - Performance4
  53. 1080p Projector Comparison Report - Performance5
  54. 1080p Projector Comparison Report - Performance6
  55. 1080p Projector Comparison Report - Performance7
  56. 1080p Projector Comparison Report - Performance9
  57. 1080P Home Theater Projector Report - Calibration
  58. Compare Projectors - Epson 6100 vs PLV-Z700
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  73. Compare Projectors - PT-AE3000 vs. PLV-Z3000
  74. Compare Projectors - PT-AE3000 vs. PLV-Z3000 - 2
  75. Compare Projectors - PT-AE3000 vs. PLV-Z3000 - 3
  76. Compare Projectors - PT-AE3000 vs. PLV-Z3000 - 4
  77. Compare Projectors - PT-AE3000 vs. PLV-Z3000 - 5
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  93. Compare Projectors - VPL-HW10 vs PT-AE3000
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  95. Compare Projectors - VPL-HW10 vs PT-AE3000 - 3
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  99. Compare Projectors - HC5500 vs. PLV-Z700 - 3
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  101. Compare Projectors - HC5500 vs. PLV-Z700 - 5
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  110. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs PLV-Z3000
  111. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs PLV-Z3000 - 2
  112. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs PLV-Z3000 - 3
  113. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs PLV-Z3000 - 4
  114. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs PLV-Z3000 - 5
  115. Compare Projectors - Epson 6500UB vs PLV-Z3000 - 6
  116. Home Theater Projectors - Warranty and Support - 2
  117. 1080P Home Theater Projector Comparison Report: Summary

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