Of all the projectors I’ve reviewed and that are included in this report, none have measured so well as the Acer K138ST when it comes to input lag. Input lag refers to the amount of delay in between the signal from your game console to the display (projector), and is measured in milliseconds. A handful of milliseconds probably doesn’t seem like it could really make a difference, but in the world of competitive gaming, it can mean the difference between life and death… of your character.
I’ve mentioned the scale of input lag several times already in this report, but just in case you’re hopping in on this page, I’ll do a brief refresher. 50ms is at the top of what is considered acceptable for input lag – for the typical gamer. It would not be tolerated by the most hardcore gamers who engage in competitions, often for cash prizes. 33ms to 40ms is considered good (again, for the average gamer), as these measurements translate to just over one frame behind on a 30fps game, two frames behind on a 60fps game. 16ms is considered to be the best measurement, and is about as good as we can get on projectors (for now). There are even faster gaming monitors on the market, for the total hardcore gamer.