The HT3050 just squeezes into the under $1000 price category by virtue of significant online discounting.
As a single chip DLP projector it doesn't sport as many color lumens as it claims in terms of white lumens, but it comes a lot closer than most competing DLPs. BenQ advertises 2000 white lumens, but based on other DLPs, expect about 2/3 as many color ones. Many DLP projectors come in down 50% to 70%. The bottom line there, is that it can produce a healthy amount of lumens with excellent color. But there are a number of brighter projectors in the price range. If you really have a bright room, you'll probably want to look for a brighter alternative.
A tad better than entry level black level performance, and that DLP look and feel have always been a strength of earlier BenQ projectors, and that applies to the HT3050 as well. I definitely lean toward recommending this projector to budget challenged movie aficionados for the look and feel of the projected image. (And it's nice and sharp too.)
Downsides are primarily only having a 1 year warranty (like many competitors at the price), and other things that low cost projectors also suffer from, such as limited lens shift - but at least the HT3050 has some shift, which is more than most competitors can claim). Of course, that as a single chip DLP projector, the HT3050 uses a color wheel which affects those of us who are rainbow sensitive (I am!) But in this case, the HT3050 pretty much turns that negative into a neutral, with a 4X color wheel, faster than similarly priced competitors, and resulting in rainbows that I notice less than with almost any other sub $1000 DLP projector.
The other downside, is the lack of CFI - smooth motion. Very ew projectors under $1000 offer it (although, interestingly, the Value winner, the Epson 2040/2045 does have it). I always say, that feature is a nice extra, but not critical.
I like the remote control, it's got a back light, good range, and it also supports HDMI-Link, which now that I have a Samsung Blu-ray UHD player, I can really appreciate, since that player has a lousy remote. Instead I can just use the BenQ's. Nice.
3D is pretty good, using DLP-Link, I prefer RF glasses, for various reasons.
If you do have an excellent room (home theater or cave) I particularly like this projector for the price. In a family or "other" room environment, where you probably have to deal with some ambient light (even at night), you might want to with a brighter projector although 2000 lumens is certainly respectable. Still, for the home theater environment, I have to consider it my top choice at its price or less, thus this award.