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Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance5

Posted on March 14, 2008 by Art Feierman
  1. 2010 1080p Projector Comparison Report
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  5. 1080p Projector Comparison Report5
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  7. 1080p Projector Comparison Report7
  8. 1080p Projector Comparison Report8
  9. 1080p Projector Comparison Report9
  10. 1080p Projector Comparison Report-Special Features
  11. 1080p Projector Comparison Report-Special Features2
  12. 1080p Projector Comparison Report-Special Features3
  13. 1080p Projector Comparison Report-Special Features4
  14. Guide to the 2010 Home Theater Projector Comparison Report
  15. Guide to the 2010 Home Theater Projector Comparison Report2
  16. Guide to the 2010 Home Theater Projector Comparison Report3
  17. Guide to the 2010 Home Theater Projector Comparison Report5
  18. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010
  19. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-2
  20. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-3
  21. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-4
  22. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-5
  23. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-6
  24. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-7
  25. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-8
  26. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-9
  27. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-10
  28. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-11
  29. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-12
  30. Home Projectors - Physical Tour
  31. Home Projectors - Physical Tour2
  32. Home Projectors - Physical Tour3
  33. Home Projectors - Physical Tour4
  34. Home Projectors - Physical Tour5
  35. Home Projectors - Physical Tour6
  36. Home Projectors - Physical Tour7
  37. Home Projectors - Physical Tour8
  38. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality2
  39. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality3
  40. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality4
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  60. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality24
  61. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance2
  62. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance3
  63. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance4
  64. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance5
  65. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance6
  66. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance7
  67. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance8
  68. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance9
  69. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance10
  70. Compare Projectors - Epson Home Cinema 8500UB vs Sanyo PLV-Z3000
  71. Compare Projectors - Epson Home Cinema 8500UB vs Sanyo PLV-Z3000 2
  72. Compare Projectors - Epson Home Cinema 8500UB vs Sanyo PLV-Z3000 3
  73. Compare Projectors - Epson Home Cinema 8500UB vs Sanyo PLV-Z3000 4
  74. Compare Projectors - Epson Home Cinema 8500UB vs Sanyo PLV-Z3000 5
  75. Compare Projectors - Epson Home Cinema 8500UB vs Sanyo PLV-Z3000 6
  76. Compare Projectors - BenQ W6000 vs. Epson Home Cinema 8500UB
  77. Compare Projectors - BenQ W6000 vs. Epson Home Cinema 8500UB 2
  78. Compare Projectors - BenQ W6000 vs. Epson Home Cinema 8500UB 3
  79. Compare Projectors - BenQ W6000 vs. Epson Home Cinema 8500UB 4
  80. Compare Projectors - BenQ W6000 vs. Epson Home Cinema 8500UB 5
  81. Compare Projectors - BenQ W6000 vs. Epson Home Cinema 8500UB 6
  82. Compare Projectors - BenQ W6000 vs. Epson Home Cinema 8500UB 7
  83. Compare Projectors - Epson 8500UB vs. JVC DLA-RS25
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  85. Compare Projectors - Epson 8500UB vs. JVC DLA-RS25 3
  86. Compare Projectors - Epson 8500UB vs. JVC DLA-RS25 4
  87. Compare Projectors - Epson 8500UB vs. JVC DLA-RS25 5
  88. Compare Projectors - Epson 8500UB vs. JVC DLA-RS25 6
  89. Compare Projectors - Epson 8500UB vs. Panasonic PT-AE4000U
  90. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35
  91. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35 2
  92. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35 3
  93. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35 4
  94. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35 5
  95. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35 6
  96. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35 7
  97. Compare Projectors-Mitsubishi HC3800 vs. Optoma HD20
  98. Compare Projectors-Mitsubishi HC3800 vs. Optoma HD20 2
  99. Compare Projectors-Mitsubishi HC3800 vs. Optoma HD20 3
  100. Compare Projectors-Mitsubishi HC3800 vs. Optoma HD20 4
  101. Compare Projectors-BenQ W6000 vs. LG CF181D Home Projectors Compared
  102. Compare Projectors-BenQ W6000 vs. LG CF181D Home Projectors Compared 2
  103. Compare Projectors-BenQ W6000 vs. LG CF181D Home Projectors Compared 3
  104. Compare Projectors-BenQ W6000 vs. LG CF181D Home Projectors Compared 4
  105. Compare Projectors-BenQ W6000 vs. LG CF181D Home Projectors Compared 5
  106. Compare Projectors - Epson 8100 vs. Epson 8500UB
  107. Compare Projectors - Epson 8100 vs. Epson 8500UB 2
  108. Compare Projectors - Epson 8100 vs. Epson 8500UB 3
  109. Compare Projectors - Epson 8100 vs. Epson 8500UB 4
  110. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15
  111. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 2
  112. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 3
  113. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 4
  114. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 5
  115. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 6
  116. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 7
  117. Home Theater Projectors - Warranty and Support 2
  118. Home Projector Comparison Report: Summary 2

Sanyo PLV-Z3000 projector

if the PLV-Z3000 only had more lumens. In "best" mode, it measured the lowest of any of these projectors. That said, check out the brightness section in the Sanyo review. The PLV-Z3000 has three Cinema modes, and even the brightest - Brilliant Cinema is pretty good. That helps a lot, with about a 50% boost in lumen output, but that still leaves the Sanyo PLV-Z3000 below average in brightness.

The Sanyo, however, does better in brightest mode. Still not dazzling, but it's 1000 lumens is about average.

Our best recommendation is to limit the Sanyo PLV-Z3000 to smaller screens, 100" diagonal or below, although you can get respectable results up to 110 inch diagonal if your room conditions are very good (dark walls, etc.). Another way to help is to ceiling mount fairly close to the screen to get the extra lumens the lens passes when set up that way.

When you are sticking to those smaller screens, the PLV-Z3000 is capable of handling as much ambient light as, say, the Epsons can, with larger screens. (Figure the Sanyo on a 100" screen will have similar brightness to the Epson on a 123" screen, when both are at their brightest!).

Sony VPL-HW15 projector

For movie watchers, the Sony has some reasonble best mode brightness, measuring 536 lumens post calibration. That puts it about in the middle of the pack, and perhaps just on the high side of average in lumen output. Switch to brightest mode, and the SXRD VPL-HW15 projector, only jumps to 771 lumens making it the third dimmest in the class, and that translates into not a whole lot of lumens for dealing with ambient light. All considered, that makes the VPL-HW15 as a better projector for those almost exclusively focused on movies, than for those wanting an all around projector for lots of HDTV and Sports as well as films.

$3500 - $10,000 Home Theater Projectors

Lumens Lumens
Best Mode Brightest Mode
InFocus SP8602 785 1110
JVC DLA-RS15 657 746
JVC DLA-RS25 727 853
JVC DLA-RS35 656 781
Optoma HD8600 696 1166
Planar PD8150 468 606
Sony VPL-VW85 598 725
Vivtek H9080FD 367 526

It's interesting that in this category, the "best" mode brightness as a group, is much brighter than the mid-priced group. At the same time, collectively, these are not quite as bright in brightest mode. These differences are primarily due to there being no 3LCD projectors in this group, instead, a balance of DLP (6) and LCoS (3) projectors.

InFocus SP8602 projector

The InFocus SP8602 projector really has some curious performance when it comes to brightness. Don't get me wrong, overall, it's the brightest projector in our $3500 - $10,000 class.

What's weird about the SP8602 is the significant affect lens shift has on brightness, and also the unusually large amount of affect the zoom lens position has on brightness. For the measurements shown in the chart, the SP8602 was measured with the zoom at mid-point (as is the case with all reviews), but, of note, the lens shift was set to 0 offset. That means the projector is mounted with the center of the lens even with the top of the screen (when ceiling mounting). The thing is, if you mount the projector higher, compared to the screen top, the SP8602 measures brighter and brighter. In fact, by the time you get to the maximum offset (about 14.9 inches above the top of a 100" diagonal screen), the projector brightens by 18.5%. That would take our 785 lumens up to about 930 lumens.

As I stated above, the lens zoom positioning has a lot more effect on brightness than I normally expect for a 1.5:1 zoom. In fact, it's more like the typical 2:1 zoom. The InFocus gets a healthy 16% boost in brightness as you move from center position on the zoom to wide angle.

Finally InFocus'es Brilliant Color implementation adds still another 35%.

What you end up with is a projector who's overall brightness varies more on how you place it in your room, than any other projector in this report. In almost all situations, this ScreenPlay 8602 is the brightest projector in its class.

Let's add in the boost for turning Brilliant Color on, and the 930 lumens jumps 35% to 1255 best mode lumens, and that's still at the mid-point of the zoom. If you are ceiling mounting (almost certainly with this projector), and can mount it up high (not a chance with low ceilings), above the screen by that almost 15 inches, and go with Brilliant Color on, and mount it with the lens at wide-angle, and all of a sudden, you have 1456 "best mode lumens". OK, few will be able to position it perfectly to get every last lumen out, but still consider that the 1255 mid-point zoom lumens make this projector capable of a "best" mode that's brighter than any other projector in the group's "brightest" mode.

It took a lot of work, and help from InFocus engineers to sort all this out. Our intial measurements were disappointing compared to claims, until we sorted through everything. At first I complained to them that it wasn't as bright as last year's IN83. As it turns out, depending on your setup, it's typically going to be brighter than the IN83.

As is typical for these higher end projectors, none, not even the InFocus, have as many bright mode lumens as some of the lower priced projectors.

In reality "bright" mode lumens aren't significantly brighter than "best mode".

Remember, the numbers in the chart assume mounting at 0 offset, not at the brighter maximum offset, and with the lens at mid-point. In the review itself we reported at "best mode" of 1059, but that was with Brilliant Color set to On.

JVC DLA-RS15 projector

There hasn't been much change in the brightness of JVC projectors since they launched the RS1 over two years ago. Only the RS2 which followed later, varied, having only about 2/3 of the lumens of the RS1 and all future JVCs.

Other than that RS2, all JVC projectors have had best mode measurements of between about 650 and high 700s and brightest modes typically about 100 to 150 lumens brighter.

The JVC DLA-RS15 is typical. In "best" mode, 657 lumens, and 746 in brightest mode. That actually makes it the least bright of the three JVCs reviewed for this report, though not by much. This may be, in part, just due to the variation in lamps?

Like all JVC's brightest mode is somewhat limited. That makes it tough to own a larger screen and still want to be able to handle some ambient light for sports and HDTV. I get by with my RS20 (similar brightness), for sports viewing, but with my large 128" screen, I'm always wishing the projector had an extra 300 - 500 lumens (and I'd settle for an extra 150 - 200 lumens if I knew where to find them.

  1. 2010 1080p Projector Comparison Report
  2. 1080p Projector Comparison Report2
  3. 1080p Projector Comparison Report3
  4. 1080p Projector Comparison Report4
  5. 1080p Projector Comparison Report5
  6. 1080p Projector Comparison Report6
  7. 1080p Projector Comparison Report7
  8. 1080p Projector Comparison Report8
  9. 1080p Projector Comparison Report9
  10. 1080p Projector Comparison Report-Special Features
  11. 1080p Projector Comparison Report-Special Features2
  12. 1080p Projector Comparison Report-Special Features3
  13. 1080p Projector Comparison Report-Special Features4
  14. Guide to the 2010 Home Theater Projector Comparison Report
  15. Guide to the 2010 Home Theater Projector Comparison Report2
  16. Guide to the 2010 Home Theater Projector Comparison Report3
  17. Guide to the 2010 Home Theater Projector Comparison Report5
  18. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010
  19. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-2
  20. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-3
  21. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-4
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  23. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-6
  24. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-7
  25. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-8
  26. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-9
  27. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-10
  28. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-11
  29. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-12
  30. Home Projectors - Physical Tour
  31. Home Projectors - Physical Tour2
  32. Home Projectors - Physical Tour3
  33. Home Projectors - Physical Tour4
  34. Home Projectors - Physical Tour5
  35. Home Projectors - Physical Tour6
  36. Home Projectors - Physical Tour7
  37. Home Projectors - Physical Tour8
  38. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality2
  39. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality3
  40. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality4
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  60. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality24
  61. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance2
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  64. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance5
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  69. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance10
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  110. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15
  111. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 2
  112. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 3
  113. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 4
  114. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 5
  115. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 6
  116. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 7
  117. Home Theater Projectors - Warranty and Support 2
  118. Home Projector Comparison Report: Summary 2

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