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Guide to the 2010 Home Theater Projector Comparison Report3

Posted on March 14, 2008 by Art Feierman
  1. 2010 1080p Projector Comparison Report
  2. 1080p Projector Comparison Report2
  3. 1080p Projector Comparison Report3
  4. 1080p Projector Comparison Report4
  5. 1080p Projector Comparison Report5
  6. 1080p Projector Comparison Report6
  7. 1080p Projector Comparison Report7
  8. 1080p Projector Comparison Report8
  9. 1080p Projector Comparison Report9
  10. 1080p Projector Comparison Report-Special Features
  11. 1080p Projector Comparison Report-Special Features2
  12. 1080p Projector Comparison Report-Special Features3
  13. 1080p Projector Comparison Report-Special Features4
  14. Guide to the 2010 Home Theater Projector Comparison Report
  15. Guide to the 2010 Home Theater Projector Comparison Report2
  16. Guide to the 2010 Home Theater Projector Comparison Report3
  17. Guide to the 2010 Home Theater Projector Comparison Report5
  18. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010
  19. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-2
  20. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-3
  21. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-4
  22. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-5
  23. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-6
  24. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-7
  25. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-8
  26. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-9
  27. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-10
  28. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-11
  29. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-12
  30. Home Projectors - Physical Tour
  31. Home Projectors - Physical Tour2
  32. Home Projectors - Physical Tour3
  33. Home Projectors - Physical Tour4
  34. Home Projectors - Physical Tour5
  35. Home Projectors - Physical Tour6
  36. Home Projectors - Physical Tour7
  37. Home Projectors - Physical Tour8
  38. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality2
  39. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality3
  40. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality4
  41. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality5
  42. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality6
  43. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality7
  44. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality8
  45. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality9
  46. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality10
  47. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality11
  48. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality12
  49. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality13
  50. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality14
  51. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality15
  52. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality16
  53. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality17
  54. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality18
  55. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality19
  56. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality20
  57. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality21
  58. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality22
  59. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality23
  60. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality24
  61. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance2
  62. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance3
  63. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance4
  64. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance5
  65. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance6
  66. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance7
  67. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance8
  68. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance9
  69. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance10
  70. Compare Projectors - Epson Home Cinema 8500UB vs Sanyo PLV-Z3000
  71. Compare Projectors - Epson Home Cinema 8500UB vs Sanyo PLV-Z3000 2
  72. Compare Projectors - Epson Home Cinema 8500UB vs Sanyo PLV-Z3000 3
  73. Compare Projectors - Epson Home Cinema 8500UB vs Sanyo PLV-Z3000 4
  74. Compare Projectors - Epson Home Cinema 8500UB vs Sanyo PLV-Z3000 5
  75. Compare Projectors - Epson Home Cinema 8500UB vs Sanyo PLV-Z3000 6
  76. Compare Projectors - BenQ W6000 vs. Epson Home Cinema 8500UB
  77. Compare Projectors - BenQ W6000 vs. Epson Home Cinema 8500UB 2
  78. Compare Projectors - BenQ W6000 vs. Epson Home Cinema 8500UB 3
  79. Compare Projectors - BenQ W6000 vs. Epson Home Cinema 8500UB 4
  80. Compare Projectors - BenQ W6000 vs. Epson Home Cinema 8500UB 5
  81. Compare Projectors - BenQ W6000 vs. Epson Home Cinema 8500UB 6
  82. Compare Projectors - BenQ W6000 vs. Epson Home Cinema 8500UB 7
  83. Compare Projectors - Epson 8500UB vs. JVC DLA-RS25
  84. Compare Projectors - Epson 8500UB vs. JVC DLA-RS25 2
  85. Compare Projectors - Epson 8500UB vs. JVC DLA-RS25 3
  86. Compare Projectors - Epson 8500UB vs. JVC DLA-RS25 4
  87. Compare Projectors - Epson 8500UB vs. JVC DLA-RS25 5
  88. Compare Projectors - Epson 8500UB vs. JVC DLA-RS25 6
  89. Compare Projectors - Epson 8500UB vs. Panasonic PT-AE4000U
  90. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35
  91. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35 2
  92. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35 3
  93. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35 4
  94. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35 5
  95. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35 6
  96. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35 7
  97. Compare Projectors-Mitsubishi HC3800 vs. Optoma HD20
  98. Compare Projectors-Mitsubishi HC3800 vs. Optoma HD20 2
  99. Compare Projectors-Mitsubishi HC3800 vs. Optoma HD20 3
  100. Compare Projectors-Mitsubishi HC3800 vs. Optoma HD20 4
  101. Compare Projectors-BenQ W6000 vs. LG CF181D Home Projectors Compared
  102. Compare Projectors-BenQ W6000 vs. LG CF181D Home Projectors Compared 2
  103. Compare Projectors-BenQ W6000 vs. LG CF181D Home Projectors Compared 3
  104. Compare Projectors-BenQ W6000 vs. LG CF181D Home Projectors Compared 4
  105. Compare Projectors-BenQ W6000 vs. LG CF181D Home Projectors Compared 5
  106. Compare Projectors - Epson 8100 vs. Epson 8500UB
  107. Compare Projectors - Epson 8100 vs. Epson 8500UB 2
  108. Compare Projectors - Epson 8100 vs. Epson 8500UB 3
  109. Compare Projectors - Epson 8100 vs. Epson 8500UB 4
  110. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15
  111. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 2
  112. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 3
  113. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 4
  114. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 5
  115. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 6
  116. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 7
  117. Home Theater Projectors - Warranty and Support 2
  118. Home Projector Comparison Report: Summary 2

Defining Your Expectations Regarding Projectors and Your Final Theater Experience

In general terms, I believe there are three types of people who buy home theater projectors

The Typical Consumer

Many people setting up a home theater in their homes, or even just putting a projector in a common room, such as a family room or den, are just looking for an enjoyable viewing experience. They may willing to pay more for better quality, but for them, they just want it to look great. They aren't overly critical, and are not bothered by the most minor of imperfections. Once it's all set up, they want to just kick back and enjoy the content, and the overall experience.

The Enthusiast

The Enthusiasts are folks that not only enjoy the content, but essentially have turned home theater, and home theater equipment into a hobby. These folks tend to want to tweak their equipment, often changing it out regularly (as budgets allow), seeking better and better performance. The enthusiast in some cases, I believe spends as much effort admiring, or being critical of the equipment and projected image, as they do enjoying the movie, TV program or sporting event they are watching. As a group, they love their hobby. I notice a large percentage of these folks are engineers, computer/creative folks, such as graphics designers, etc., but anyone can be an enthusiast.

The Purist

The Purist far more often than not, is an enthusiast, but by my definitiion, they go one step further. Not satisfied with just a great looking image, that would blow everyone elses minds away, they seek image perfection. Looking magnificent, isn't their goal. They are into it looking exactly as it should be! Most people, for example might find a projector that exhibits what I refer to as, a lot of "pop and wow" factor to be far more fun to watch than one that has less "wow" factor (a little dull, by comparison), but is a bit more natural, and, in the case of movies - more film-like. For them, really good skin tones, for example may be considered marginal. Exceptionally accurate ones are what they "insist upon". The same goes with almost any characteristic. They are seeking the projector that is closest to the "director's intent" (or what we believe it to be). In other words, they want a system that is as close to what the movie director would say is "perfect", whereas many of us prefer a little more color saturation, or perhaps a touch of oversharpening to make the picture look (but not be) sharper. You get the idea.

he Bad News

There had to be some! The bad news is that most folks start out as "Typical Consumers". They are just looking for a great experience in their home. But many "typical consumers" get the bug, and find themselves as "Enthusiasts". When a "typical consumer" (you?) brings that first projector home, and gets it properly set up, they are generally amazed. It almost always exceeds their expectations. The problem is, many get so enthralled with how good it looks, that the next thing they know, they are looking into how to make it even better. Bingo - instant enthusiast!

The Bottom Line

You might just want to think about where you are right now, of these three types, and whether it is your nature to stay that way. The temptation to become an enthusiast is definitely there for many.

If you have a good understanding of how this might play out for you, it can help you tremendously, in making the right purchasing and setup decisions.

Consider: Let's say your budget for a projector is $1500 - $2500. As a typical consumer, most of the projectors in this range will provide you with a great experience. Most likely you'll pick one out that fits the budget, and is best at the things you consider most important (a brighter one, if you want a larger screen), one with great black levels because you are really into sci-fi, and horror flicks (tons of dark scenes), and has other features you consider important.

On the other hand, if you think, "yup, this is going to be fun, and yup, I'll probably be hooked, and want to improve my system every couple/few years as prices fall, and quality further improves," then it probably should affect your purchase decision. You might decide, for example, that, "you know what, I suspect Projector B will do a perfectly fine job, but I can see where what I really want is projector D, to be truly happy, but it's out of my budget." In a case like that, you might decide to start with one of the least expensive that meets your initial needs.

Second guessing your decision. I rarely hear from anyone who says - "I bought this projector, and it's great, but, you know, I probably should have bought that less expensive one, I could have been happy with that one too."

What I do hear a lot of is the opposite: "I was looking at Projector A - a lower cost/lower performance, and Projector D - more money, but a step up in performance. I bought Projector A, and months later, I'm still thinking I made a mistake - I should have gotten the one I really wanted."

  1. 2010 1080p Projector Comparison Report
  2. 1080p Projector Comparison Report2
  3. 1080p Projector Comparison Report3
  4. 1080p Projector Comparison Report4
  5. 1080p Projector Comparison Report5
  6. 1080p Projector Comparison Report6
  7. 1080p Projector Comparison Report7
  8. 1080p Projector Comparison Report8
  9. 1080p Projector Comparison Report9
  10. 1080p Projector Comparison Report-Special Features
  11. 1080p Projector Comparison Report-Special Features2
  12. 1080p Projector Comparison Report-Special Features3
  13. 1080p Projector Comparison Report-Special Features4
  14. Guide to the 2010 Home Theater Projector Comparison Report
  15. Guide to the 2010 Home Theater Projector Comparison Report2
  16. Guide to the 2010 Home Theater Projector Comparison Report3
  17. Guide to the 2010 Home Theater Projector Comparison Report5
  18. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010
  19. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-2
  20. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-3
  21. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-4
  22. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-5
  23. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-6
  24. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-7
  25. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-8
  26. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-9
  27. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-10
  28. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-11
  29. Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Best in Class Awards for 2010-12
  30. Home Projectors - Physical Tour
  31. Home Projectors - Physical Tour2
  32. Home Projectors - Physical Tour3
  33. Home Projectors - Physical Tour4
  34. Home Projectors - Physical Tour5
  35. Home Projectors - Physical Tour6
  36. Home Projectors - Physical Tour7
  37. Home Projectors - Physical Tour8
  38. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality2
  39. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality3
  40. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality4
  41. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality5
  42. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality6
  43. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality7
  44. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality8
  45. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality9
  46. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality10
  47. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality11
  48. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality12
  49. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality13
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  51. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality15
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  54. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality18
  55. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality19
  56. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality20
  57. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality21
  58. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality22
  59. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality23
  60. 1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report - Image Quality24
  61. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance2
  62. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance3
  63. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance4
  64. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance5
  65. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance6
  66. Home Projector Comparison Report - Performance7
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  85. Compare Projectors - Epson 8500UB vs. JVC DLA-RS25 3
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  90. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35
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  92. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35 3
  93. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35 4
  94. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35 5
  95. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35 6
  96. Compare Projectors - JVC DLA-RS25 vs. JVC DLA-RS35 7
  97. Compare Projectors-Mitsubishi HC3800 vs. Optoma HD20
  98. Compare Projectors-Mitsubishi HC3800 vs. Optoma HD20 2
  99. Compare Projectors-Mitsubishi HC3800 vs. Optoma HD20 3
  100. Compare Projectors-Mitsubishi HC3800 vs. Optoma HD20 4
  101. Compare Projectors-BenQ W6000 vs. LG CF181D Home Projectors Compared
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  103. Compare Projectors-BenQ W6000 vs. LG CF181D Home Projectors Compared 3
  104. Compare Projectors-BenQ W6000 vs. LG CF181D Home Projectors Compared 4
  105. Compare Projectors-BenQ W6000 vs. LG CF181D Home Projectors Compared 5
  106. Compare Projectors - Epson 8100 vs. Epson 8500UB
  107. Compare Projectors - Epson 8100 vs. Epson 8500UB 2
  108. Compare Projectors - Epson 8100 vs. Epson 8500UB 3
  109. Compare Projectors - Epson 8100 vs. Epson 8500UB 4
  110. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15
  111. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 2
  112. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 3
  113. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 4
  114. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 5
  115. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 6
  116. Compare Projectors - InFocus SP8602 vs. JVC DLA-RS15 7
  117. Home Theater Projectors - Warranty and Support 2
  118. Home Projector Comparison Report: Summary 2

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