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Panasonic PT-AE900u Projector Summary: Pros, Con's and Typical Capabilities

Posted on September 19, 2005 by Art Feierman

Panasonic AE900U Sections

No projector to date, can match the combination of image quality and features at the price of Panasonic's new PT-AE900u widescreen home theater projector provides! While there is competition out there close to the price (and with comparable image quality- notably the DLP powered BenQ PE7700, and also the notably more expensive Optoma H77 (which has lens shift) the Panasonic brings more flexibility to the table, with variable lens shift, a 2:1 ratio zoom for placement flexibility and a learning remote.

While the debate will go on as to whether this fine LCD powered home theater projector can match the "film-like" quality that DLP projectors are noted for, the Panasonic demonstrates that LCD home theater projectors are now in the same league as DLP projectors.

You simply can't go wrong with this Panasonic Home Theater projector considering the price and flexibility!


  • Great image quality overall, sharp lens, rich colors, dynamic, and excellent on dark scenes
  • 2:1 zoom lens for easy mounting, tabletop placement or back of the room shelf mounting
  • Vertical Lens shift (horizontal too, but limited if you are using the vertical shift).
  • Good learning remote
  • Very quiet
  • Multiple pre-set modes allows easy switching of picture balance from movies to TV, to HDTV, etc.
  • 3 user savable settings
  • The price is right!
  • Excellent reworked menus
  • Lot's of user accessable control of color, image handling
  • Two component inputs and one HDMI

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