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Panasonic PT-AX200U: 1080p Home Theater Projector Review - Image Quality -2

Posted on October 27, 2007 by Art Feierman

Our last image is from Space Cowboys, and is an overexposed image of the re-entry scene. Click on the left thumbnail image. Look for subtle detail in the right side of the earth. The image on the right is from the $3300 1080p DLP projector - Optoma's HD8000, which was recently reviewed. Look to the dark areas on the right for differences in details. The exposures are obviously different enough that you'll have to "interpolate" a little.

Image is from Space Cowboys, and is an overexposed image of the re-entry scene in Panasonic PT-AX200U
Image is from Space Cowboys, and is an overexposed image of the re-entry scene in Optoma's HD8000

OK, one last comparison. And an excellent one at that. Here is a scene that starts with both very bright and very dark areas. I've cropped it significantly, but you can still see part of the astronaut, whose suit is bathed in sunlight. The satellite on the left side of the frame is very dark. By overexposing the frame, and not worrying about the exposure of the astronaut or the Earth below, you can see how much detail there is in the dark components on the satellite. Click on the thumbnail image below left for the PT-AX200U image The right image is a similar frame, shot with of the competing (DLP) Mitsubishi HC1500. Unfortunately, the level of overxposure isn't identical (never is), but you can still understand which projector makes it easier to make out these shadow details.

Just to put all this in perspective, the enlargement from the third thumbnail (below), is the same scene from the JVC RS1, the best projector under $10,000 at black levels, and with excellent shadow detail to boot.

PT-AX200U image
Mitsubishi HC1500 image
JVC RS1 image

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