Projector Reviews Images

Panasonic PT-AE2000U: 1080p Home Theater Projector Review - Image Quality-8

Posted on November 19, 2007 by Art Feierman

Click on the left thumbnail for a large, cropped version of the original frame on the PT-AE2000U, and the middle for the Sanyo projector. On the right, the Epson Home Cinema 1080.

Sanyo projector
Epson Home Cinema 1080.







Bottom line: The Panasonic has improved since last year. This new PT-AE2000U, definitely comes across as sharper than the less than average in sharpness, PT-AE1000U it replaces. Like with my JVC RS1, you can find a sharper projector, but it does what it takes to be fully acceptable, to me, and I'm particularly critical of overall sharpness, as I like to sit relatively close to a large, screen, and also, I have corrected eyesight of 20/15, better than most. So, kudos to Panasonic for improving performance in this area.

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