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Optoma HD8200 Projector: Pros, Cons, and Typical Capabilities

Posted on March 29, 2009 by Art Feierman

Optoma HD8200 Projector: Pros, Cons, and Typical Capabilities

Optoma HD8200 Projector: Pros

  • Good color accuracy post calibration in best mode
  • Bright "best mode" performance - slightly brighter than other "bright" projectors
  • Two HDMI 1.3 inputs, full support for 24 fps, Deep Color, etc., plus a third digital input - a DVI with HDCP compatibility. Overall, slightly better selection of inputs (and outputs) than the average projector
  • Support for an anamorphic lens
  • Very sharp image
  • Good remote control
  • Average placement flexibility with 1.5:1 zoom and lens shift
  • Good menus
  • Rainbow effect minimized, and not an issue for most who are moderately sensitive
  • 2 - 12 volt screen triggers
  • 3 year warranty with replacement program
  • Nicely styled projector
  • Overall, a very good projector for those favoring the DLP look and feel

Optoma HD8200 Projector: Cons

  • Shadow detail performance is very good, but definitely not best in class
  • One of the least bright projectors in "brightest" mode
  • Despite lens shift, not viable for rear shelf mounting (except down low, where no one wants to put the projector)
  • Noticeable out of the box color inaccuracy, with a shift to cool (blue)
  • Some real issues with the dynamic iris (different issues for the two options)
  • Black level performance, though very good, not up to the better "ultra-high-contrast" projectors found at its price or less, including some selling for more than $1000 less.

Optoma HD8200 Projector: Typical Capabilities

  • Audible noise is reasonably quiet, and less than most DLP projectors, about average overall
  • Lamp life
  • Shadow detail performance

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