Projector Reviews Images

Optoma HD806 Projector - Image Quality-2

Posted on December 15, 2008 by Art Feierman

HD806 Black Levels & Shadow Detail

As mentioned elsewhere, the dynamic iris of the HD806 is slow, and noisy. We expect that many people will not use the dynamic iris for these reasons. Nonetheless, the full photoshoot of images from movies were shot with the dynamic iris working, and lamp dimming on.

First is a seriously overexposed shot of the starship in The Fifth Element. Immediately below it, is a less overexposed version, for better comparing with the same image in older reviews. In the first image, I have left in part of the letterboxing, so you can see the basic black level more easily.

HD806 5thelement starship over large
HD806 5thelement starship large
HC5500 5thElement starship large
PT-AE3000U 5thelement starship large
HC1080UB 5thElement starship large
HD806 DVE skyline large

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