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Optoma HD803 Home Theater Projector Review - General Performance - 7

Posted on February 20, 2008 by Art Feierman

Doing a little adjustment, I lowered the color temp setting to Warm, which made the HD803 in Brite mode better suited for movie watching although there was still a shift to blue in the whites:


100IRE 8116K
80IRE 6589K
50IRE 6840K
30IRE 6766K

Green was almost perfect with that setup, just a tad high on white, but dead on, on the other

The last mode I looked at was TV.

Defaut TV mode also had color temp set to Mid, which yielded

100IRE 8891K
80IRE 7916K
50IRE 8060K
30IRE 7698K

Again, that shift to blue in the whites, and in this case green is a little weak through all brightness ranges.

For TV mode setup to watch movies, just use the same color temp settings as I set up for Cinema, and get:

Color Temp Settings

100IRE 6722K
80IRE 6446K
50IRE 6766K
30IRE 6532K

This provided the tightest measurements, although green was a touch high throughout the range.

Optoma HD803 Image Noise

I believe that the HD803, (like the HD80 and HD8000) is using image processing from Pixelworks, whereas the higher end HD81 and HD81-LV use Gennum processing. Overall image noise performance is perfectly acceptable, using the HQV test disk. The Optoma passed the standard jaggie and standard motion artifacts tests. There is some slight background image noise, but at levels typical of DLP projectors. I do not run the many different cadence tests. Overall good, not great performance. Nothing to bother the vast majority of us, however.

Time for a quick look at the Warranty, then the Summary section!

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