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Optoma HD71 Home Theater Projector Review - General Performance 2

Posted on October 16, 2013 by Art Feierman

HD71 Projector Measurements and Calibration

Cinema With lamp at full power, default settings: 1463 lumens

Measured color temperature :
White (100 IRE) 5889K
Light gray (80 IRE) 5506K
Medium gray (50 IRE) 5324K
Low gray (30 IRE) 4954K

As you can see, color temp is way below the ideal 6500K.

Post a quick grayscale calibration, resulted in the projector being in Cinema mode, with color temp set to Cold, degamma, on film (or automatic) and corresponding color accuracy for movie watching contrast at -6, 1040 lumens:

color temp is way below the ideal 6500K
White (100 IRE) 6253K
Light gray (80 IRE) 6669K
Medium gray (50 IRE) 6831K
Low gray (30 IRE) 6411K

Green was pretty much dead on. The results were warm (redish) at the extremes and cooler in the mid brightness ranges. This a bit more range in settings than I can get with most projectors, but still produces very neutral color results.

Separate R,G,B settings used to get the color temp range
Gain R -3, G -5, B -12,
Bias R 0, G -1, B -1,

I did not create any additional setups for different uses, although the video setting on the Optoma menu, as expected has a different gamma than film, and is more suitable for TV/HDTV/Sports viewing.

I hope to get another chance to play with the settings when I return for travel, but I may not, as other projectors are waiting.

I do anticipate a review of the Optoma HD65 in May, and do plan a comparison article, between the two.

HD71 Image Noise

Not great, not bad. DLP projectorstend to show more image noise than 3LCD projectors, and the Optoma does have a little visible image noise when you have an almost still image on the screen. I've seen worse, and as it is fairly typical for DLP projectors, I don't think that the level of image noise seen here, will cost Optoma any sales. Motion artififacts were handled well, when checking with the Silicon Optix test disc.

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