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Optoma HD25-LV Projector Calibration and Settings

Posted on July 10, 2013 by Art Feierman

Optoma HD25-LV Projector Calibration and Settings

We calibrate virtually all over $1000 home projectors that we review.  The Optoma HD25-LV received the usual treatment. This time, Mike got to calibrate it before I really started watching the HD25-LV. Since Reference and User seem identical. I could compare Mike's finished calibration results with the out of the box default by comparing User (post adjustment), to Reference. Our calibrations, including the Optoma HD25-LV, include a grayscale calibration (adjusting the balance of Red, Green, and Blue), along with brightness, contrast, color saturation, tint (where applicable), etc. We recently, additionally do a full CMS calibration of individual colors which will be available to our subscribers (starting August).

Let's take a look at the numbers:

Optoma HD25-LV Color Temperature

Before we provide our settings, let's see what we started out with: Pre calibration, these are the color temperatures over the grayscale range (repeated from the Performance page):

Color Temp over IRE Range (Bright mode)

30 IRE 7033
50 IRE 6889
80 IRE 6733
100 IRE 6673



Optoma HD25-LV Basic Settings

Below (also repeated) shows the default brightness of each mode, and the color temperature of white (100 IRE) that we measured.

Lumen Output and Color Temp at 100 IRE (mid zoom)

Cinema 1734 @ 6755
Bright 1794 @ 6667
Photo 1770 @ 7792
Reference 1378 @ 6578
User equals whichever mode you started from

Optoma HD25-LV Basic Settings

In addition to calibrating Red Green and Blue for a correct grayscale balance (6500K), there are a number of other settings that come into play. Typically Contrast and Brightness (white balance and black balance), need to be done first. Color saturation and gamma also need adjustment.

Settings for measurements (default values are in parenthesis)

Cinema Bright Photo Reference User
Contrast (-3) (-2) (-4) (-4) (0)-3
Brightness (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
Color (10) (17) (7) (4) (0)-4
Tint (50) (50) (50) (50) (50)
Color Temp (Warm) (Medium) (Medium) (Warm)
Gamma (Film) (Video) (Graphics) (Standard)

Lamp Mode= Bright (unless noted otherwise)
All other settings are default

Dynamic Black is OFF for Bright and Reference Modes.

Brilliant Color is On, and set to 10 (max) for all but Reference which is 7, and that explains why Reference measures significantly lower.

Optoma HD25-LV Post Calibration Grayscale: User Mode

Color Temp over IRE Range (Post calibration)
20 IRE 6546
30 IRE 6524
40 IRE 6581
50 IRE 6582
60 IRE 6593
70 IRE 6543
80 IRE 6514
90 IRE 6574
100 IRE 6485
Average gamma         2.19

Excellent results in User our "best" mode, also very good in Cinema - our "brightest" mode selection!  Numbers are degrees Kelvin.

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