Cinema mode - Our "Brightest" mode, also post calibration:
Bright mode - pretty good for what measures the brightest on this projector (by 59 lumens), but still not as good as User (and Cinema)
Photo mode is a bit more contrasty than the other modes, not surprising. If you really are looking at photos, I'd say compare vs. User. This is punchier, but User will be more natural.
Reference mode is identical to an unadjusted User mode. So, essentially provides the same results. Since this is not adjusted, consider this how User would look before Mike's calibration:
Truth is, not a bad looking mode in the lot. In other words, this is a good "take it out of the box and enjoy" projector. Our recommendations will make some minor improvements that some of you will appreciate, but nothing earth shattering. Try Mike's results (calibration page), you just might like the improvements.