Projector Reviews Images

Optoma HD23 Projector - Performance 2

Posted on July 16, 2013 by Art Feierman
HD23 Color Temp over IRE Range (Post calibration)
Cinema User
20 IRE 6324 6540
30 IRE 6427 6552
40 IRE 6466 6501
50 IRE 6621 6508
60 IRE 6702 6516
70 IRE 6642 6540
80 IRE 6448 6474
90 IRE 6477 6492
100 IRE 6500 6387

Mike calibrated the User mode, and came up with these results.

Average gamma= 2.24

Wow, except for white (100 IRE), the entire range in User mode is within 80K!!!  Even with white, it's only 165K.  That's about as good as it gets.

Comparing Image Modes

Below, the same Victoria Secret model, with each image taken with the same exposure. Thus you see the differences in both brightness and color.  Since there isn't a huge difference in brightness, the User mode's not too dark, and the brightest modes are only a touch overexposed.

User Mode
Bright Mode
Cinema Mode
Photo Mode
reference mode

Cinema mode - Our "Brightest" mode, also post calibration:

Bright mode - pretty good for what measures the brightest on this projector (by 59 lumens), but still not as good as User (and Cinema)

Photo mode is a bit more contrasty than the other modes, not surprising.  If you really are looking at photos, I'd say compare vs. User.  This is punchier, but User will be more natural.

Reference mode is identical to an unadjusted User mode.  So, essentially provides the same results. Since this is not adjusted, consider this how User would look before Mike's calibration:

Truth is, not a bad looking mode in the lot.  In other words, this is a good "take it out of the box and enjoy" projector.  Our recommendations will make some minor improvements that some of you will appreciate, but nothing earth shattering.  Try Mike's results (calibration page), you just might like the improvements.

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