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Home Theater Projector Reviews: Optoma HD8000 DLP Projector: Summary, Pros, Cons

Posted on December 15, 2007 by Art Feierman

The HD8000 - finally an affordable, high quality projector you can buy from a local dealer who can install it, and help you get your media room or theater right.

Click to Enlarge.So close

Let's start with the award. I gave the HD8000's twin, the HD80 our Hot Product Award. In the case of the HD8000, ultimate performance really doesn't improve for the extra $500, but there is a longer warranty, and ISF calibration user areas.

Since, ultimately though, the HD80 gives you more bang for the buck, while the HD8000 will still be the right choice for many, I felt the Special Interest Award would be appropriate for the HD8000.

Click Image to Enlarge

The best part is Optoma's marketing strategy: Optoma will sell the HD8000 only through local CEDIA dealers, and therein lies the value. This makes it a great choice if you are the person who just wants to find a really good projector solution, and hire a company to work with you and handle your installation - projector, cables, screen, audio, even lighting and motorized shades if you need them. If you are a DIY (do-it-yourselfer?), you aren't likely to work with those dealers, and will likely choose to buy the HD80 online, instead.

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