For all measurements, the zoom lens was as close to in the middle of its range as I could get it. That would mean, that with the lens, instead, in full wide angle the HC6000 should produce almost 30% more lumens, and about 30% less in full telephoto.
The combination of Sports (gamma) and High Bright (Color temp) mode, measured 743 lumens.
In my calibrated version of Cinema mode, the output was 449 lumens.
In Video (gamma) / medium (color temp), output was almost identical at 458 lumens.
Running the lamp in low power mode dropped brightness about 26% more than is typical for projectors (20% is most common). Running the lamp less hard than other projectors do in their low power modes may be in part responsible for Mitsubishi's claim of 5000 hours lamp life in low power mode, whereas most are rated 3000 hours, in low.