Projector Reviews Images

Mitsubishi HC3800 Black Levels & Shadow Detail 2

Posted on October 11, 2013 by Art Feierman

Immediately below, is a side-by-side image of the same satellite. The Epson Home Cinema 6500UB (the reigning under $3500 black level champ) on the left, and the BenQ W6000 on the right (you can, of course, click to enlarge). The Epson was not in its "best" movie mode (because the BenQ is much brighter in "best" movie modes), which has some impact. As it turns out, in this photo, the Epson projector is a bit brighter. When you look at black levels though, and compensate for that brightness difference, you realize that the BenQ is close to the Epson. As noted elsewhere, it just depends on the scene, as the two manufacturer irises work a bit differently.

Optoma HD8200.
Optoma HD8200
Epson Home Cinema 6500UB
BenQ W6000

For general black level performance examples we'll start with my favorite, the Starship image found The Fifth Element. The first is the HC3800 followed by an overexposed version. Then comes the Sony VPL-HW15. Immediately below it, is the Optoma HD8200.

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