HC3000 vs the Competition
The HC3000 is most similar to the Optoma HD72. Both use the 1280x768 Darkchip2 DLP, and feature TI's brilliant Color processing. Both have significant lens offset (the projectors will sit either significantly below the bottom of the screen, or above the top of the screen (when ceiling mounted). The Optoma has two distinct advantages, first it is quite a few hundred dollars less (July 06), and second, it is slightly brighter (and brightest in class). By comparison, the Mitsubishi has one key advantage, which is it's superior black levels and shadow detail. Secondarily, for the HD72 to produce it's it's very best black levels, it's AI must be on, and that means a louder fan.
The best LCD projector we've looked at in it's price range is the Sony HS51A. The HC3000 has an edge in picture quality, and black levels, but of course lacks the lens shift and wide range zoom. The HC3000 is also much brighter. So I would say, that if the HC3000 works in your room, and you aren't susceptible to the rainbow effect, then the Mitsubishi is the better choice.
Straddling it on the other side, price wise, is Optoma's HD7100 with Darkchip3. This I would have to say, is the overall better projector. It is similar in brightness (the Mitsubishi is slightly brighter), but the Optoma has better color out of the box, better black levels, and far better ergonomics, in terms of zoom lens, and having both horizontal and vertical lens shift which allows placement of the Optoma anywhere between just below the bottom of the screen to just above the top. Since both have a two year warranty, the real advantage of the Mitsubishi HC3000 is price. As of this writing, the Mitsubishi seems to be selling for under $2500, probably about $500 less than the HD7100.
There's a large selection of projectors out there, spanning a wide price range. Ultimately, it still comes down to price. If the Mitsubishi HC3000 is at the high end of you budget range, it will give also give you the best picture that your available dollars will buy.
Well done Mitsubishi!