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HC5000 Projector Review - Warranty

Posted on October 25, 2006 by Art Feierman

Mitsubishi provides a 2 year parts and labor warranty. This is a "typical" warranty, although there are some with only one year, and a few with 3 years.

In addition, some manufacturers - notably Epson, provide an overnight replacement program, a real plus, but those are few and far between (less so than a couple of years ago).

I normally consider 2 years to be the minimum you would want, as with most less expensive projectors, the high cost of repair tends to make a $2000 projector not worth fixing a major problem if out of warranty. Consider that more than 2 years down the road, a projector with capabilities comparable to the HC5000BL will likely be around $2000 - $2500, you make the call if you want to purchase a 3rd party extended warranty.

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