Ah, Advanced Networking. A must-have for many a higher education environment – where this projector will most likely be used. It was featured in the Higher Education Projectors category of our Classroom Projector Report: Best Education Projectors 2019-2020, where it competed with a boatload of other capable projectors, many of them also with Advanced Networking. Shocker. If you haven’t read that report yet, I highly recommend checking it out before making your final decision on which projector to purchase for your school’s fleet. If you’re intrigued by THIS particular projector, keep reading and then hop over to the report to check out our award winners.
Alright, so we have HDBaseT, which, if you don’t already know, is a standard that was developed years back that allows this projector to accept A/V signals over long distances using low-cost CAT6 cabling. That makes this projector awesome for large venue environments such as lecture halls, auditoriums, museums, etc. It also has compatibility with key command-and-control software – that’s AMX, Crestron, and PJ-Link, which is extra helpful when managing a fleet of these projectors. Whichever one you choose, you’ll be able to turn the projectors on and off, check the status of the projector (things like temp, light engine life, etc.), and receive push notifications. Maxell also has its own Moderator Software for the same purpose.
Next up is our tour of the projector’s hardware (spread over the next two pages), then our discussion of picture quality and performance. See you on the next page!