An image of the SpaceX Website, projected by the Maxell MP-TW4011 in a fully darkened room.
An image of the SpaceX Website, projected by the Maxell MP-TW4011 with ambient light.
A scene from Journey to Space, projected by the Maxell MP-TW4011 in a fully darkened room.
A scene from Journey to Space, projected by the Maxell MP-TW4011 in ambient light.
Since Standard is the “best mode” for presentations, infographics, and websites, I took a photo of the SpaceX website, with the Maxell projecting in a fully darkened room, then again in the face of ambient light. I chose this image because of its black background. Black is the first color to disappear when confronted with ambient light. As you can see from these photos, the projector performs well holds up, even in a bright room environment. This is particularly important for classroom and conference room environments, where there is often a degree of uncontrollable ambient light.
Standard isn’t even the next brightest mode, as it comes in at 3,984 lumens – that honor is reserved for the three User Modes, which you can change to suit your color needs. User 1 measured at 4,397, User 2 at 4,258, and User 3 at 4,610, making User 3 the second most bright mode offered on the MP-TW4011. Cinema Mode follows Standard, at 3,903 lumens – plenty bright for showing educational films and videos – and DICOM SIM., which is used for projecting high-contrast films such as X-Rays, came in at 3,589 lumens.
The final two modes are significantly dimmer than the rest. Whiteboard measured at 2,387, which is still pretty bright. 2,000 lumens is more than enough for most rooms, save for those where you can’t turn off all the overhead lights. Whiteboard Mode is for projecting on a whiteboard surface, as many classroom projectors do, but it is not the only mode that can be used for projecting on that surface. The final mode, Natural, measured at 2,343 lumens.