Embedded networking offers the ability to manage and control multiple projectors over your LAN. Features include scheduling of events, centralized reporting, image transfer, and e-mail alerts for reactive and routine maintenance.
The Maxell MP-JU4001 offers support for key command-and-control software like AMX, Crestron, and PJ-Link. Network administrators who manage multiple projectors at a school or business will greatly appreciate this feature. Regardless of which control protocol the admin chooses, they will be able to check the status of the networked projector, check detailed information such as the usage hours of the projector light source, the current input source, and receive email alerts for any current errors or warnings. Admins can turn the projectors on and off, check the status of the projector’s temperature or light engine life, and receive push notifications.
Another element of this projector’s network functionality is the built-in PJMessenger function that allows you to send and display text messages and audio alerts on your networked projectors. It is an easy and efficient way to send announcements out to multiple units. In addition, Maxell’s projector data cloning feature allows network admins to copy setting data from one projector to others of the same model via the Projector Data Cloning Application. Cloning not only saves almost all PJ settings such as gamma and keystone, it saves countless hours in setup and installation.