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LG MiniBeam PF1000U Projector Review--Picture and Sound Quality

Posted on August 7, 2016 by Art Feierman
LG PF 1000U Projector Review - Picture and Sound Quality:  Color and Picture Quality, Text readability, Video Quality, Sound Quality

Color and Picture Quality

To examine and rate the LG PF 1000U, I set it up on my test bench, using the Normal Color Temperature setting and other default selections. I started by creating a 60-inch image and went through the five projection modes one at a time to see how they differed. Not enough? Go ahead and create your own by adjusting any of the image settings. There are two reserved for the user.

With a rated 150,000:1 contrast ratio, the projector has excellent grayscale imaging, but its black levels were disappointing with a huge gap between projected black regions and nearby areas with no image. No amount of adjusting the projector’s settings or Black Level made much of a difference.

lg pf 1000U sample vivid

The PF1000U's Vivid mode has oversatruated colors.

Starting with the Vivid mode, the PF 1000U put out exactly 1,000 lumens, but the color balance was off quite a bit. The yellows were muddy and most of the colors were oversaturated, leading to excessive blooming. It used 86.3-watts.

lg pf 1000u sample std

The projector's Standard mode is its brightest.


By far, Standard mode was the brightest and the best for most uses. The projector was able to put out more light, 1,021 lumens, while looking better, with more realistic flesh tones. At times some of the colors can appear a tad muted.

lg pf 1000u sample cinema

The PF1000U's Cinema mode is dull.


Change to Cinema and everything warms up, maybe too much. It also gets a lot duller with whites that were very diminished and actually looked yellow or orange at times. The PF 1000U’s overall output dropped to 686 lumens.

lg pf 1000U sample sport

Its Sport mode's color are off balance.

In Sport mode, the PF 1000U put out 974 lumens but the whole screen takes on an other-worldly greenish/blue tone, while Game mode is similar but duller with a maximum output of 933 lumens.

lg pf 1000U sample game

Game mode's imaging is dull.

Text Readability


Unfortunately, the PF10000U’s focus isn't as sharp as more expensive projectors with better optics, however, in fairness, ultra-short throw projectors always are tougher to get good focus with.   It was able to deliver readable text at as low as 10-points, but it can be a chore to read it.

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Video Performance


A Close up of Katniss - Jennifer Lawrence - in The Hunger Games


As a multi-purpose projector, the PF 1000U does well playing Blu-ray and online video. There was no stuttering, dropped frames for artifacting when playing a variety of clips and its sound was always well synchronized.

Pictures were taken of 2001, but came out dark, so other images have been substituted here.  That said:  In the beginning of “2001: a Space Odyssey,” the PF 1000U in Standard mode did an excellent job of reproducing flesh tones and close-up details like facial stubble and wrinkles. showing the minute details that are hidden in the shadows with lower resolution projectors. Not only are the scene’s broken rocks and ground textures visible and detailed, but the rippling pond in the early monkey scenes looked very realistic.


A test image built into the LG PF1000U projector


The star of the early part of the movie, the black obelisk was well defined and didn’t have any jagged edges; it appeared rock solid. Later, the dawn and dusk sequences had the right balance of warmth and realism. When the spaceship flies through the colors, each was well formed and saturated.

Its color balance was quite nice with realistic tones, particularly the warm sunrise and sunset scenes. In the penultimate scene of flying through an array of colors, the scenes looked oversaturated, but that could just be the effect the film was aiming at.

With its pair of 3-watt speakers, the PF 1000U sounded astonishingly good for a projector so small with rich mid-range tones and accurate treble. It’s missing two things for watching movies: it doesn’t really get loud enough for a big room and it is missing low-frequency bass.

Connecting to a speaker bar or set of speakers could easily remedy this. If you like, you can connect the projector to external speakers with standard audio or optical cables. There’s a third way that I particularly like. The PF 1000U has a built-in Bluetooth radio that can wirelessly connect with a speaker set. It worked perfectly with a Pyle PSBV200BT speaker set and sounded as if it were wired to the projector.

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