Interestingly the control panel is in the back (see image and description below). The top only has a recessed ring for adjusting vertical lens shift, and around it, some indicator lamps. There's a blue LED trim ring around it, which makes for a pretty lighting when warming up or shutting down as the blue LED light rotates around the ring.
Two screw thread adjustable feet are found below the front on the left and right side. Vents run under the front of the projector and on the sides.
Inputs are all in the back. The LG projector comes with a very nice remote, which will also be discussed below. The lamp door is located on the bottom, but in a corner. It looks like, from the manual, that the lamp may be replaceable without unmounting a ceiling mounted projector. However, that's my best guess, and it assumes you go with the LG mount. If you go with a typical universal mount, my guess is that some will require unmounting others may not. So, definitely consult with your dealer about that issue, especially if you are doing the work yourself, to make sure you buy a mount that makes sense.
Another maintenance issue is filter cleaning or replacement. The manual only says, "clean or replace the filter when the projector tells you to." They give no indication of that's after 100 hours or a 1000, or ??? The filter areas are in the bottom front vents, where you will find two filters. Yes, they can be cleaned, but if damaged, should be replaced.
Ok, time for a closer look!