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JVC DLA-X55R Projector Calibration and Settings

Posted on July 16, 2013 by Art Feierman
On this page we will repeat some of the measurements taken by Mike when calibrating.  That way, on this page, you  have both the calibration settings we used, and the effect they have on the JVC DLA-X55R projector's measurements.

JVC DLA-X55R Color Temperature

Lumen Output and Color Temp at 100 IRE (mid zoom)
Cinema 712 @ 6506, 451 @ 6827 in default Low lamp mode
Film 676 @ 5967
Natural 721 @ 6510
Stage 793 @ 7736
Animation 775 @ 8377
3D 793 @ 7755
User 1-5 721 @ 6518

Essentially the User modes, and most of the others, are the same, but for some variation in which color temp is used.

Color Temp over IRE Range, Best mode (Pre calibration)

Cinema (User and Natural are very similar)
30 IRE 6292K
50 IRE 6478K
80 IRE 6487K
100 IRE 6518K

JVC DLA-X55R Basic Settings

In addition to calibrating Red, Green and Blue for a correct grayscale balance (6500K), there are a number of other settings that come into play. Typically Contrast and Brightness (white balance and black balance), need to be done first. Color saturation and gamma also need adjustment.

Settings for measurements (default values are in parenthesis):
Cinema Film Natural Stage Animation 3D User 1-5
Contrast -1 -2 -2 -2 -3 -2 -2
Brightness 1 2 2 2 3 2 2
Color Sat. (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) -6
Tint (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
Color Temp (6500) (6000) (6500) (7500) (8000) (7500) (6500)
Gamma (A) (B) (Normal) (D) (C) (3D) (Normal)
Color Profile Cinema Film Natural Stage Animation 3D Standard

Ed. Note:  When setting the brightness, it's always a tough call between the two closest settings (viewing black bars).  Mike favors the higher Brightness number (delivers maximum shadow detail).  I favor best blacks, so I'll be one number lower, give up the slightest amount of shadow detail in exchange for the blacker black.  For example, above, Mike has 2 as the setting for Brightness in Film, User, etc.  I prefer to choose +1 as the better choice.  Fortunately the difference between +1 and +2 on this JVC is very slight.  (Nothing worse than coarse controls.)

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