Projector Reviews Images

JVC DLA-HD250 Projector - Image Quality 2

Posted on October 3, 2013 by Art Feierman

JVC HD250 Black Levels & Shadow Detail

Sony VWPro
Epson Home Cinema 8700UB
Mitsubishi HC4000
BenQ W6000

Comparing the JVC to the Sony, immediately above, the JVC is definitely doing a bit better blacks on this scene. Keep in mind, while this is a space scene, it's not an extremely dark one. There are plenty of mid brightness and some very bright areas, unlike, say, the Casino Royale night train scene below, where there definitely seems to be parity.

For the rest, of our comparison images, they are well overexposed, some have been converted to grayscale for your convenience (the slight purplish-red color varies a lot from one projector's image to another, so grayscale makes it easier to compare:

Shadow Detail Performance

This JVC did very well on shadow detail. It wasn't spectacular, but solid. As it turns out, the Epson 8700UB bested it in my favorite scenes, which is interesting, as the 8700UB reviewed much better than previous Epson UBs. This was the first time in the 4 years of UBs and high contrast JVC's that the Epson revealed more dark shadow detail, than the "entry level" (though more expensive), JVC. Difference isn't great, but the JVC really seems to be about average compared to the competition, while a few others do better work in this regard.


Don't sweat it, there's plenty of dark shadow detail there. We really are talking very subtle differences, when actually watching content. In the train scene below, it's not exactly like you are staring at the shrubs when the scene is playing. You are watching the train, and it's headlight (the brightest thing on your screen at that point.

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