Projector Reviews Images

JVC RS35 Black Levels & Shadow Detail 2

Posted on February 10, 2010 by Art Feierman

Image time: First is a seriously overexposed shot of the starship in The Fifth Element. Note, that even with this ridiculous level of overexposure, the blacks in the image and the letterbox are still not dramatically brighter than black, if you compare it to the image right below. Immediately below it, is a less overexposed version, which is also better for comparing with the same image in older reviews.

In this first image, I have left in part of the letterboxing, so you can see the basic black level more easily.Immediately below, from The Fifth Element, our favorite starship image - overexposed. The first overexposed image, is the RS35, followed by the Sony VW85, and then the RS25. (The RS35 overexposed and regular images will be added within 24 hours if they can be found. (They are lost, and I must find them.)

VPL-VW85 5thelement starship over large
DLA-RS25 5thelement starship over large
VPL-VW85 5thelement starship large
DLA-RS25 5thelement starship large
PT-AE4000 5thelement starship large

These two all digital images images are good ones for considering black levels and dark shadow detail. Look for the richness in the black part of some of the buildings and also, the sky, in the second image. Both of these first two, are digital hi-def images from the DVE-HD calibration disc.

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