The 100L5F’s color reproduction is good but not highly accurate. The Hisense 100L5F has a total of seven preset picture modes. The STANDARD mode which is the default picture preset was warmer with slightly boosted contrast.
The picture modes that are the most accurate out of the box are THEATER DAY and THEATER NIGHT which were the closest to the D65 rec709 standard. While these modes deliver more accurate colors, they were also the least bright. Prior to calibration, to achieve the best SDR picture I choose THEATER NIGHT with Color Temperature set to LOW.
The VIVID mode and SPORTS modes are the brightest and are designed to fight through high ambient light. In addition, Hisense also includes a GAME and an ENERGY SAVING mode.
The above screen shots give a rough idea of the color accuracy for each picture mode. However, when viewed in person, the skin tone will look better than shown in these photos.
As I mentioned earlier, the THEATER DAY and THEATER NIGHT modes produced the most accurate skin tones out-of-the-box. Like many single laser DLP projectors, the skin tones out of the box was a little greenish, so the overall skin tones improved noticeably after calibration.
Also included is a variety of screenshots showing skin tones under different scene lighting.
Above are images of a variety of videos and photos in 4K and HD resolution. Like all our photos, they remain unadjusted for color, so they do not look as good as what the projector produced. All the HD and 4K images were taken with the 100L5F set to either THEATER DAY or THEATER NIGHT mode.