Sharpness - Including 4K Processing and Pixel Shifting
It's all about the pixel shifting and advanced processing. The first four pair (roughly full frame, and a close-up) are true 4K content. That's followed by the football pair (1080i) and then a slightly bloody pair from the movie Divergent, and the Enterprise. The football, Enterprise, and Divergent, all processed at 4K-3, the middle setting with pixel shifting and 4K processing.
The Scrabble info on the coffee cup is pretty easy to read with the Epson, (scene from Skyfall). The second cup of coffee is the JVC X500R/RS49. and then the usual Playstation 3 icon, again, Epson first then the JVC. In both cases the Epson is definitely more defined, and with the relative crispness, is more hardness. I don't recall what setting was used with the JVC but it would be using e-shift3 at least at its default setting which is significant. If the Epson looks to hard on these stills, then, of course it can be dialed back, but it does seem to have the advantage. Next JVC to come in, we'll make sure they are direct comparisons. Still, it's images like these and others than make me give the advantage to the Epson pending a direct side by side shootout.
The last few images are just good ones to observe.
A reminder, this Epson's pixel-misalignment is significant, due, no doubt to its early sample status. The pixel alignment, though helps a great deal. Looking forward to doing some more viewing with a more tightly aligned production version.
For those of you who skipped the Special Features section you'll find two sequences showing the effects of incremental Super-Resolution changes, in one case looking at all 10 positions and off.
LS10000 sharpness: Next best thing (so far) to true 4K projectors.