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Epson Powerlite 1815p and 1810p Projector Review - Warranty

Posted on July 12, 2007 by Art Feierman

Epson gives great support! That's been my experience for a decade and then some. Not only do they provide an excellent warranty, on most models it's two years parts and labor, plus you get their Emergency Road Service support program for both years, which means if your machine drops dead, under warranty, they just overnight you a replacement, and you ship your broken one back to them in the box they provide. Epson pays all freight as well.

Epson doesn't have the longest warranty, and at least one manufacturer - Mitsubishi, has some models with 3 years warranty, and a similar replacement program. If you are, however, doing a large volume buy (corporations, government, education), ask Epson about extended warranties. You should be pleasantly surprised!


Support, though, is more than just fixing or replacing broken projectors. As mentioned in the section on networking, it's a wonderful and rare thing, when you have a technical question or two, to be able to get someone to pick up and answer. No offense to some of Epson's competitors, but Epson's support people for Epson America, are right there in Epson's US headquarters, not half way around the world. And, from my experience, they know their stuff.

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And to make the experience even better, they provide a little card with each projector with a phone number that bypasses all those switchboard layers, and puts you directly through to their PROJECTOR technical support people. Epson may sell far more ink jet printers than projectors, but you won't end up talking to a "printer guy", you'll get a "projector guy" every time. I can't recall the number, but I think Epson claims average hold time to get a live person is well under 3 minutes (maybe 90 seconds?), I just don't recall their "blurb".

OK, I am biased by my experiences with Epson support, but since my old company sold perhaps 10,000 Epson projectors over the years, we learned quickly from our customers, that Epson does support well.

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