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Epson Home Cinema 710HD Projector - Image Quality-5

Posted on October 31, 2013 by Art Feierman

I haven't gone back to check the other reviews, but, I'm pretty certain that we haven't reviewed any other under $1000 projector that is brighter at their brightest.  A couple of other low cost ones come close, but most are significantly less bright. Only the Panasonic PT-AR100U (now street priced at $1199) is really brighter at its brightest, and also the Epson 3010, but that Epson is almost 2x the price of the Epson Home Cinema 710HD projector. Epson's Home Cinema 8350 is closer in price (about $1100), but is not as bright. For your viewing pleasure:  A few more sports and HDTV images and from the Victoria Secret Fashion Show

Although this Epson projector lacks a "smooth motion" feature,  understand that's pretty much the case for all under $1000 home projectors. Beyond that feature, consider the Home Cinema 710HD to be an excellent, bright 720p projector for sports viewing.  That would even be in your backyard at night for Monday Night Football - so don't forget, it has sound built in.

As a 720p projector it's just fine on all good things HDTV, except, lets separate out movies. Movies viewed on HDTV are still movies.  Movie performance, will essentially be that of movie viewing off of Blu-ray, except of course for the slight loss in picture quality coming from your satellite box or cable box. As such, I'm really not describing movie viewing performance in this section.  More of sports, plus The Simpsons, CSI, Fashion Police (if you are willing to watch low def), CNBC's Mad Money, DiscoveryHD, and Paladia, to name a few great channels that span a wide range of content.

This Epson is an excellent, fun, bright projector for the home.  Invite the friends over, watch some Pro sports, watch the Olympics (just starting as I write this), or your fav sitcom. Have fun!

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