Projector Reviews Images

Epson Home Cinema 6500UB Projector - Image Quality4

Posted on December 8, 2008 by Art Feierman

The Epson does a good job on revealing details in the window shades, but more than makes up for some slight loss of darkest detail, with it's darker black levels. The slight redish background shift along the top, mostly the right side, on the Epson is visible here, but is significantly exaggerated. As we have reported before, the long time exposures for very dark scenes tend to make color shifts far more visible than in real life, which is why we also say not to be concerned about skin tones in these shots.

The difference in black level performance between the Epson and the Sanyo Z3000 immediately below it, is very dramatic. The differnce between the Epson and the Mitsubishi HC7000 and Panasonic PT-AE3000 is also visible, though less significant.

Consider four additional images which are good ones for considering black levels. Look for the richness in the black part of some of the buildings and, also, the sky, in the second image. Both of these first two, are digital hi-def images from the DVE-HD calibration disc.

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