Projector Reviews Images

Epson Home Cinema 6500UB Projector - Image Quality-2

Posted on October 28, 2013 by Art Feierman

The last image above is from HDTV (the last Olympics), the image was photographed with the Epson Home Cinema 6500UB in LivingRoom mode. Very impressive skin tones and color, for a "non-best" mode.

PLV-Z3000 5thelement starship
Epson 6500UB starship
HC6500 5thelement starship
PT-AE3000U 5thelement starship
DLA-RS2 5thElement
DLA-RS2 5thElement
PT-AE3000U 5thelement starship





As you can see, the Home Cinema 6500UB has a ways to go to catch the JVC RS2, in terms of black levels. The Epson's black levels however are excellent, with only two or three projectors able to do better, and none in its price range! As you can see in the two side by side pairs below, the Epson has a very distinct advantage over the Panasonic PT-AE3000. In the second pairing, the Epson and JVC RS1 are certainly very close. There's virtually no difference between them in black levels when compared to the relatively large difference between the Home Cinema 6500UB and the PT-AE3000.

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