Monday Night Football in less than two hours as I write this. Yesterday, I got in a good 6 hours of football with friends. I played around with 3 modes - THX briefly - great color but when I queried my buddies, and offered them my tuned Dynamic mode over THX, after a couple of quick back and forths it was unanimous - go for the brightness. So we watched with roughly 1500 lumens in tuned Dynamic, instead of about 650 lumens calibrated. Everyone was happy, window shutters were partially open, and rear lighting on. Much like in these two image below taken using the 5020 UB last year.
We had controlled light coming in from side and rear windows though partially closed shutters.
Remember, the Epson also has a Living Room mode. Living Room mode is still a bit more natural than the tuned Dynamic, but the real trade-off is Living Room vs. default Dynamic. Living Room is the way to go, it's a lot better looking, if not as bright, than the default Dynamic. It's Mike's "quick-cal" of Dynamic, that makes it really nicely watchable. Dynamic "pops" more than Living Room, which is fine for my sports, but less desireable say for some high quality digital content such as that from Discovery HD, or Travel HD.
When watching Game Mix, I overshoot my 124" diagonal 2.35:1 screen. I can do that because the 8 games don't occupy all of the left/right, and I don't mind cutting off the picture above and below the games, so that the games are at their largest (around 32" diagonal or more, each!)
These images shows the back of the room (taken standing between the screen and the window next to it). It was a sunny day, and the outer room seen there is lit by a large sky light. You can also make out most of my recessed lighting (all 65 watt equivalent LED down facing flood lights).