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Epson Home Cinema 5020 UB - Review Summary 3

Posted on July 18, 2013 by Art Feierman

The Very Bottom Line on the Home Cinema 5020 projector

For the last year, I have been using the older HC5010 as my primary projector for comparisons, as well as the projector I watched most when not reviewing. That worked out great, and I was always pleased, especially as someone big on black levels, and brightness.

I will soon be returning that projector. If Epson figures they are getting this 5020 back anytime soon, however, they are delusional.  The only way they will pry this away from me, is by leaving the similar but slightly more expensive Pro Cinema 6020 with me instead.

The combination of excellent overall performance in terms of brightness, color, blacks, shadow detail, and 3D, with a price lower than most of the most direct competitors, makes this a top value.  That it sells for a good deal less than the Sony and Panasonic (my next two choices in this price range), should seal the deal for many folks.

Bottom Line:  The Epson Home Cinema 5020 is likely to be the best choice for pretty large chunk of the folks that can afford it.

Are you ready for some football? and movies, music videos, Discovery HD, sitcoms, and plenty of sports, and 3D too?

You can investigate further, but if the Epson Home Cinema 5020 UB is about what you want to spend, you probably don't have to.

Epson HC5020UB Pricing

Epson set the MAP (minimum advertised price) of the Home Cinema 5020 at $2599 with two pair of glasses.  For a few hundred more, the "e" version is available with its WirelessHD ability for HDMI. We plan to post a mini-review of the 5020e.

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