Epson Home Cinema 3010 Projector - The Bottom Line
Assuming you agree with us, and are seriously considering one of these Epson's, which do you buy? The Home Cinema 3010, or the Home Cinema 3010e? Since I've already received a couple of email questions about that, let me simplify.
Either will give you 3D, and the real difference, with them both doing 3D, is $400. A $200 price difference, and 2 pair of glasses for the 3010e.
So, if you are 2D only for now, you can get a projector for $200 more, with the wireless HD, which is great if you move the projector around, or if you are installing, and don't want to open lots of walls to run from the gear at the front of your room to the projector on the ceiling.
Myself, I'd likely spring for the Wireless HD 3010e, but you'll have to decide if it's worth the $400 to you. Of course, add those glasses and you have all the same 3D abilities as the standard 3010 as well.
I'd like to address two questions: How is the 3010 as a 2D projector, and how is it as a 2D and 3D projector?
The Home Cinema 3010 is certainly a very good 2D projector in terms of picture quality, and considering the $1599 price, but it doesn't have the absolute best picture for the price.
What it offers instead, is a close to best picture for the money, and just about double the brightness of all but one or two competitors.
And being a bright projector is a wonderful thing for family rooms, bonus rooms and outdoor evenings. That significant extra brightness should give this Epson a lot of bonus points with me, and most of you. I've been yelling at manufacturers for years, to give us brighter projectors for the family room.