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Epson Brightlink 585Wi Projector Review - Hardware Tour 3

Posted on May 15, 2014 by Art Feierman
BRIGHTLINK 585WI PROJECTOR - HARDWARE TOUR PAGE 3:  Menus There are a ton of menus.  Not only all the usual "projector" menus, but then there are menus for the interactive functions, and even more menus, for both wired and wireless networking.

Brightlink 585Wi "Projector" Menus

The 17 menu images above give you a good idea of the functionality of this Epson projector.  These are all "projector" menus with two exceptions, both entry points for dealing with the projector's interactive features, which has its own slide show below.

Of note, starting with the first slide, the main picture menu, clicking on the mode brings up a choice of all the color modes (image 2).  The Brightlink projector does not offer a sophisticated set of color calibration controls, and that's fine, because for the most part, the color is excellent for a commercial projector.

The next image shows the controls for the auto-iris, which is designed to enhance contrast/black levels. The two after that - overscan - for essentially expanding the image 4 or 8% in case there's noise from the source material around the edges of the projected image.  The next three images relate to setup, showing keystone and "quick corner" which allows the Epson to compensate for strange setups where you aren't working with a flat surface in line with the projector (such as warping around a corner).  This is a quick but coarse control.

The next two are entry points into the interactive functions (more on those later.)

Two more menus, this time showing Display, and Operations functions.

The fourth from last image shows toggling the Monitor Out connector between use as a monitor out, or a second analog computer input.

Then comes some of the audio controls, including through HDMI.

Second from last are the choice of settings for the USB Type B port, and finally, the Eco menu, with a nice collection of eco related settings.


Networking Related Menus: Brighlink 585Wi projector

Not being a network expert (mostly being successful at keeping my home Wifi going is my level of expertise ), I've included most of the important networking menus.  Those of you used to configuring devices to play on networks, will know what these are all for.  If you are not a networking kind of person, then I'm the wrong person to try to educate you.  The menus, therefore, speak for themselves.

Let me just point out that the fourth image is the primary one for the Wireless networking abilities of this projector.  Basically the rest are focused on wired networking and many of the advanced features offered.

Interactive Menus - Brightlink 585 Wi projector

The photo player immediately above starts with an image on the screen and some of the basic op up interactive tools on the screen.

That's followed by a couple of menus about Pen control, including setting function for working in PC interactive mode or computer free mode.

That's followed by the advanced menu which has some very interesting things on it, including the setup to control multiple of these projectors working in tandem in the same room.  Imagine a working surface with three projectors that might be interactive across its entire size.  That might be 50 inches high, by 20 feet wide.  Perfect for an advanced math classroom, for problem solving, or an interactive display in a museum?  Or any area where a lot of engineers like to gather and figure things out.

The remaining four images show pen controls, which should be self explanatory!

This gives you a good idea of the controls for all the built in interactivity.  Remember, that's just the tip of the iceberg.  There's all kinds of additional software available.  That means more functionality, as well as libraries of templates, and coursework.

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